Saturday, April 2, 2016

February/March Recap

We did a number of random things the last month or is a recap since I was lazy! :)
With pictures from my phone because I realize I didn't pick up the camera once! :/


Sidney was setting up school one day for all her "friends". Each
paper is a student. :)

Then she proceeded to "teach" each kid how to "spell and write" their name.
It was adorable. :)


Last weekend in Feb. was really nice, so we took a hike through some forest service land near the state park south of town. We did 2 miles round trip, and Sidney did really great till the last 1/4 mile or so. :)

water break!

Play in the snow break!

Lunch and rest break

Selfie break!

The girls thought crossing these cattle gaurds was SO cool!

Sidney's favorite thing to play with at the library is the legos...
she was pretty proud of this random concoction.

Way over across the street, by that yellow thing over there, was a herd
of mule deer. Mike ran in and got his caller and was bleating to them. A couple
of them had really weird looks on their face....

The cats love going outside, so in order to keep them under a little more control I went and got them harnesses to wear while outside.....
They actually don't mind wearing them, and when I get them out get so excited because they know they get to go outside....
These cats are weird. They also love playing in the weird.

one of our neighbors dogs......this poor little guy is TERRIFIED of our cats.

Fun hopscotch day. :)

It snowed one morning....Sidney had fun in it. It was all gone by that afternoon. :)

St. Patrick's Day!

Library hour had a presentation about Ireland and then the kids got to make green pistachio pudding and eat green mint oreos.

shaking up the pudding

Sidney didn't care for the pudding, but loved the mint inside of the oreo

posing with a leprechaun. :)

After supper the girls got to go on a treasure hunt for a pot of gold. :)

The pot of gold at the end! :)

We spent one evening out at a friends place doting on the baby goats and eating supper. It was a nice relaxing night and I got to bottle feed a baby goat!!
She has lots of goats right now out at her place. 3 boys I think, and then 3 girls had twins, one girl had one, and the last girl had triplets! So she has 10 babies out there! They are SO cute!

Loving on the barn cats is fun too!

One pregnant goat. This is Suzy. She had twins 4 days
after our visit.

Our girls love visiting out here, just to play on the trampoline. :)

Sidney helped this poor little one find its bottle feeder. (this one was
born with only one developed eye) :(

Well, there you have it. It was a good couple of months. :)

I will make an Easter post soon!

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