Sunday, April 10, 2016


The girls and I were going to go spend Easter out in Oregon with my brother and his family, for our youngest nephew's baptism, but at the last minute I changed my mind. I couldn't convince myself to drive 24 hours one way with the girls by myself. So we had a nice quiet Easter here.

We dyed eggs the day before and that went surprisingly well. :)

Sidney had a blast coloring eggs

Sidney's in the top carton
Kylie's in the bottom carton
Mike made his, and I made the two on the right

I also tried to do the cool whip food coloring marbled egg look.
I only did 3 since it was way messier than I imagined. These are the
two that turned out. - not horrible. Need different execution of my methods next year.

We also busted out the egg molds that my sister gave me a few years ago.
(i'll be honest......we hadn't used them yet until this year)

The bunny worked out pretty good!
The bear was missing his ears.....I think you need to use jumbo eggs for these!

not a great pic, but the fish worked pretty good too.
The car was a no go because I accidently peeled off some egg white, while peeling the
egg before it gets put in the mold. So it didn't really have much to get molded. oops.

What a couple of cuties. :)

The morning of East the girls had eggs and baskets to find. They had to find their baskets first since they had a surprise bucket with it to use to find all the eggs.
The bunny hid the eggs inside this year due to the leftover snow from Saturday's snow storm. :/

Eggs hiding with bunnies

eggs hiding in decorative baskets....and my cute little crackpot bunnies that
have survived from me painting them when I was younger.....middle school maybe?

Excited and ready to run to find baskets

Found Sidney's!
Kylie's was hiding in the laundry room. :)

Sidney was in awe of the places the bunny set eggs.

They surprisingly found an equal number of eggs all on their own. :)

The united Methodist men always put on an egg hunt for the kids after each Easter service.
So the girls got to run around outside with a bunch of other kids picking up even more eggs!
SO Much Candy!

The weekend after Easter the city held their egg hunt since it got snowed out the day before Easter.
It was split up by age group, so Mike took Kylie to her area, and I took Sidney to her section.
They had a good time and then we had hot dogs and chips afterwards.

waiting impatiently

baseball field full of eggs

Sidney's eggs

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your families!!

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