Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring Music Program

Last night was the 1st and 2nd grade spring music program. It was adorable!

The first graders did a song/skit rendition of The Little Red Hen. And Kylie was the Little Red Hen!
When we found out a few weeks ago that she was that part, I was really surprised. One day when Sidney and I went to have lunch with Kylie, her music teacher caught me in the hallway and told me about how good Kylie is and how confident she is up front practicing her parts.

I'll be honest.....I was even more surprised she said that. My shy little Kylie? Confident and the lead in their skit? I am SO GLAD that Kylie has broken out of her little shy shell. (Mostly)  :)
She is becoming an awesome little lady!

Kylie did awesome!! I could tell she was a little nervous at first, but she totally rocked it. She had one little oops towards the end, but it was an adorable oops!
She did SO great!!

I totally....have horrible photos. I feel horrible about it. I was using the camera to video record the program, so I only used my phone to take pictures.....and they suck. I'm sorry.

I'll try to upload a video of part of the program at some point. It is going to take forever to upload to youtube though, so be patient. :)


Now that her important speaking role is over, Kylie has some dental work coming up.

Kylie's baby teeth don't seem to want to leave. Her bottom two front adult teeth came in. BEHIND her baby teeth. So they are already crooked since they have no where to be. :(

Her x-ray also showed that her top front 4 adult teeth are ready to come out and are sitting right at the gum line. BUT the roots show no sign whatsoever of reabsorbing and getting ready to fall out.
Nothing looks good. :(
She has so much space between her baby teeth, so if her baby teeth would just get out of the way her adult teeth could come in just fine.
Her dentist recommended that she get her front bottom two out most definitely so that "hopefully" her adult two straighten out. Also the top front two need to come out for sure so that her adults can come in straight. Once those are out, if he can see better and deems it necessary, he will take out two more. The ones on either side of the top front two.

SO....on Friday Kylie will be getting 4 to 6 teeth pulled out. :( That poor girl. I really hope the rest of her baby teeth get on the ball and fall out when appropriate. The only good news from her x-ray was that she has all her adult teeth and isn't missing any like her mother is. :)

I've already planned on having her favorite green smoothie ready for her for lunch. And she has already requested a trip to Donald's for a shake later that day too.

I'm sure she won't enjoy the procedure, but I'm also sure she will do fine!

Send happy thoughts our way Friday morning!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016


The girls and I were going to go spend Easter out in Oregon with my brother and his family, for our youngest nephew's baptism, but at the last minute I changed my mind. I couldn't convince myself to drive 24 hours one way with the girls by myself. So we had a nice quiet Easter here.

We dyed eggs the day before and that went surprisingly well. :)

Sidney had a blast coloring eggs

Sidney's in the top carton
Kylie's in the bottom carton
Mike made his, and I made the two on the right

I also tried to do the cool whip food coloring marbled egg look.
I only did 3 since it was way messier than I imagined. These are the
two that turned out. - not horrible. Need different execution of my methods next year.

We also busted out the egg molds that my sister gave me a few years ago.
(i'll be honest......we hadn't used them yet until this year)

The bunny worked out pretty good!
The bear was missing his ears.....I think you need to use jumbo eggs for these!

not a great pic, but the fish worked pretty good too.
The car was a no go because I accidently peeled off some egg white, while peeling the
egg before it gets put in the mold. So it didn't really have much to get molded. oops.

What a couple of cuties. :)

The morning of East the girls had eggs and baskets to find. They had to find their baskets first since they had a surprise bucket with it to use to find all the eggs.
The bunny hid the eggs inside this year due to the leftover snow from Saturday's snow storm. :/

Eggs hiding with bunnies

eggs hiding in decorative baskets....and my cute little crackpot bunnies that
have survived from me painting them when I was younger.....middle school maybe?

Excited and ready to run to find baskets

Found Sidney's!
Kylie's was hiding in the laundry room. :)

Sidney was in awe of the places the bunny set eggs.

They surprisingly found an equal number of eggs all on their own. :)

The united Methodist men always put on an egg hunt for the kids after each Easter service.
So the girls got to run around outside with a bunch of other kids picking up even more eggs!
SO Much Candy!

The weekend after Easter the city held their egg hunt since it got snowed out the day before Easter.
It was split up by age group, so Mike took Kylie to her area, and I took Sidney to her section.
They had a good time and then we had hot dogs and chips afterwards.

waiting impatiently

baseball field full of eggs

Sidney's eggs

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your families!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

February/March Recap

We did a number of random things the last month or is a recap since I was lazy! :)
With pictures from my phone because I realize I didn't pick up the camera once! :/


Sidney was setting up school one day for all her "friends". Each
paper is a student. :)

Then she proceeded to "teach" each kid how to "spell and write" their name.
It was adorable. :)


Last weekend in Feb. was really nice, so we took a hike through some forest service land near the state park south of town. We did 2 miles round trip, and Sidney did really great till the last 1/4 mile or so. :)

water break!

Play in the snow break!

Lunch and rest break

Selfie break!

The girls thought crossing these cattle gaurds was SO cool!

Sidney's favorite thing to play with at the library is the legos...
she was pretty proud of this random concoction.

Way over across the street, by that yellow thing over there, was a herd
of mule deer. Mike ran in and got his caller and was bleating to them. A couple
of them had really weird looks on their face....

The cats love going outside, so in order to keep them under a little more control I went and got them harnesses to wear while outside.....
They actually don't mind wearing them, and when I get them out get so excited because they know they get to go outside....
These cats are weird. They also love playing in the weird.

one of our neighbors dogs......this poor little guy is TERRIFIED of our cats.

Fun hopscotch day. :)

It snowed one morning....Sidney had fun in it. It was all gone by that afternoon. :)

St. Patrick's Day!

Library hour had a presentation about Ireland and then the kids got to make green pistachio pudding and eat green mint oreos.

shaking up the pudding

Sidney didn't care for the pudding, but loved the mint inside of the oreo

posing with a leprechaun. :)

After supper the girls got to go on a treasure hunt for a pot of gold. :)

The pot of gold at the end! :)

We spent one evening out at a friends place doting on the baby goats and eating supper. It was a nice relaxing night and I got to bottle feed a baby goat!!
She has lots of goats right now out at her place. 3 boys I think, and then 3 girls had twins, one girl had one, and the last girl had triplets! So she has 10 babies out there! They are SO cute!

Loving on the barn cats is fun too!

One pregnant goat. This is Suzy. She had twins 4 days
after our visit.

Our girls love visiting out here, just to play on the trampoline. :)

Sidney helped this poor little one find its bottle feeder. (this one was
born with only one developed eye) :(

Well, there you have it. It was a good couple of months. :)

I will make an Easter post soon!