Sunday, July 19, 2015

We Moved!

Holy Cow.
It took a whole lot longer for my internet to be connected at our house than I anticipated, so I am SO far behind on posts!

After a lot of miscommunication from our lending company which resulted in postponing of closing dates, and having to have the moving company just unload our stuff into the garage of our "potentially ours house" and spending 5 nights at a hotel instead of in our new house.....we finally closed on our first house on June 4th!

The movers came a day early, and managed to get everything packed and loaded in about 2 days total; despite the tiny little "helpers" that wanted to be involved with everything. Thankfully, on the last day when the main mover had to label every single thing/box that was being moved with stickers, the girls got to take turns stickering everything. They really enjoyed it. :)

The semi our stuff went in
What the dining room/living room looked like at one point
The girls playing on the ramp for the truck......they conveniently were in the way a lot. :)
Then, thankfully, we found out that the wind river canyon had been opened back up and we could drive through it to head south towards Casper to move. The canyon had been closed for 5 days due to some landslides that took out a couple sections of road and railings. The slides also took out a big section of the railroad.
But it was fixed and we didn't have to go up over the mountain to move. We didn't really want to chance anything with that mountain again. :)
Our empty garage.....that technically wasn't ours yet....sigh

All of our stuff managed to fit in the garage....
please keep in mind that almost half of each box was paper - - so if you condensed it down to
just stuff, it wouldn't have filled it up as much! :)
We even came in about 2,000 pounds less of stuff than what they estimated us to have. :)
5 days in a hotel with 2 small children, not being able to really cook any real meals or really have any space to be alone or to play with things really takes a toll on you! But we survived. :)

We moved into the house on the 5th and started moving as many boxes as we could and trying to dry out the basement since the carpets were all wet. (it was encouraging to find out that A LOT of peoples basements that aren't normally wet, were wet this wasn't just our house!) There was a ridiculous amount of moisture this spring!

A couple days after we moved in some of Mike's co-workers came over and helped us move in the rest of the furniture and the washer/dryer. It was nice to have help with all that big stuff!

The girls helping put all the empty paper back into the boxes

The girls were so happy once I got tv moved downstairs and set up AND
we finally found the tub of movies.....(it would have helped if mom would have
remembered the tub was green and not teal like she insisted it was!)

Me and Mike with our new house!
(I have a better picture somewhere!)

Lets see....what else.....
we had to order all new kitchen appliances since there were none here. I was told when I would get them......and then was informed that, no they didn't come and I had to wait a whole nother week. Not having a full sized fridge and a stove for 2 weeks was hard!
I also had to change me plans and not get a built in dishwasher. I really wanted one and I figured we could just knock out some cupboards and drawers and put it in. Well, after unpacking all the kitchen stuff, it turned out I couldn't afford to lose those 2 cupboards and 2 drawers! So we opted for a portable dishwasher and it hasn't been too bad. It is actually helpful because it gives me some counter top space right next to the stove since there is very little counter to start with.
Because of that, we also bought an over the range microwave......but I still haven't ordered the cupboards to go up by there to hold up said it's still in its box. oops.

We haven't had any issues with the house in the last month and a half. (knock on wood) And we even left it unoccupied for a week and returned to no problems. :)

The garage is still a disaster of unpacked or unstored boxes and totes and toys, and the house needs a little more organization in some areas, but we are making it ours and it's turning out to be pretty nice!

-I'll back track to the kindergarten program next...just working on the videos. :)


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