Monday, July 20, 2015

Swim Lessons!

I just wrote an entire post all about Kylie's swim lessons in Worland and her current swim lessons only to look back and realize I already made an entire post about her first swim lessons! Sigh. Oh well. Here is what is happening now!!
Kylie started swim lessons here this morning. I was able to get her into a session before the summer ended. I started her in the level 1 lessons since she is just getting comfortable putting her head under the water. She is one of the older kids in her group, but that's ok.
I noticed that they had a toddler swimming lesson session going on at the same time as Kylie's but I didn't know it was an option when I was signing Kylie up. I talked to the instructors after lessons today and was able to get Sidney in on it for the rest of the week. It seemed like it was mostly just them playing in the wading pool, but oh well. It will be better than trying to entertain Sidney while Kylie has her lesson!
The lesson today was a full group of 12, but they had 4 instructors in the pool and a lady on the outside encouraging kids, so that was really nice.
Hopefully it goes well the rest of the week too!
Her group.
They had to go all the way around the pool practicing blowing bubbles and moving along the gutter, and getting in and out of the stairs when they came to them.
When they got out they were suppose to jump back in. It took Kylie quite a while to jump in. She just kept squatting lower and lower until she couldn't anymore and then just tipped herself in.
Really hoping this week will help her get more comfortable.

 I'll let you know how the rest of the week goes with both of the girls!

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