Saturday, April 18, 2015

Easter Weekend ~ Part 1

Easter was very low key this year. Kylie had the Friday before and the Monday/Tuesday after off of school. That was nice.
Easter weekend was also when we moved Mike to Chadron and met up with his parents, brother and nephews.

The Wednesday before Easter is when we dyed eggs. The girls had fun picking colors and adding stickers after the fact. At first Sidney wanted nothing to do with putting the eggs in the cups, but she eventually put in an egg or two. She had no problem scribbling all over the eggs with white crayons though!

Friday after Sidney's nap is when the Easter Bunny magically visited the yard and left eggs for the girls to find. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Although Sidney insisted on wearing a too big for her hat so I have no face pictures of her really. :)

Their "prize" they got from the empty eggs was a small little golf set. Sidney had a blast with it!

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