Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Trick or Treat!

Trick or treating produced a lot of candy. And I sadly have eaten almost none of it. Which could also be good though. I had a tooth pulled Thursday and the dentist had a hard time with it, so my jaw is still pretty sore.

We took the girls downtown to trick or treat since the businesses usually all hand out stuff. There were very few places that did this year, so it was kinda dull. We went and stopped at a few particular people's houses and then came back to our neighborhood.

We made a loop by our house and learned that a lot of people set a bucket of candy out and just expect kids to help themselves. We also learned that we should have done that, because by the time we got home we ended up only getting about 15 kids. :(

It was 70 for a high on Halloween! We really expected more kids to be out all night due to the nice weather. Oh well. Hopefully Mike will take most of the candy to work and I won't have to worry about eating it! :)

Even though Kylie had been a lady bug before, and Sidney was one last year, she still wanted to be a lady bug for Halloween. So she was. Kylie also requested that Sidney be a bee. We thought it world be cute and Sidney had no idea what I was really asking her about, so we went with it and had a little bug theme this year.

Sidney was afraid at the first place and wouldn't let go of my leg, but soon realized that it is fun and you get candy. At each house the girls knocked at, they knocked so quietly, but Sidney would also yell out "Knock knock!", so I think that helped people know they were there. :)

All dressed for school
Eating our traditional 
homemade pizza for supper

Our little buggies
Completely stuck to my leg after the first place, not wanting to trick or treat

It's ok though, as long as daddy holds her hand. :)

Mike with his two lovely bugs
Out trick or treating

Exhausted little bee back home.

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