Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Weeks In Review

So, the last couple of weeks have been pretty low key. We enjoyed the last of the fall weather that ended on the 9th. I spent the 9th, mowing up the yard/leaves, tossing bags of leaves, the pumpkin leaf bags and the carved pumpkins, and just cleaning up the yard before the anticipated snow came. It was 60 degrees Sunday, Monday's high was around 20. Then the last few days have been below zero at night/in the morning and then in the teens. Is it bad that I am looking forward to the temp being in the upper 20s?!?
It also doesn't help that it rained a little Sunday night before it got cold and snowed and the streets turned to ice. They do not plow/grate in the city of Worland. They didn't even throw some dirt down until Tuesday. The roads were already a bumpy ice mess. Thank goodness we got new tires in September!

Anyways.....Back on the 8th, we took advantage of the nice weather and not having any plans so we got to go hunting. We thought Mike's deer season was over, but he found another area that was open until the 10th! Yeah! So we went out to try to fill his elk and/or his deer tag. We got out there at a decent hour, but it turns out quite a few other people were also taking advantage of the last of the good weather to find some animals too. We managed to find the elk herd, but so did another couple of trucks and Mike wasn't able to find the elk once they were spooked off. We couldn't find them for the next couple of hours either. So we decided to head over to the deer area that was open. It took us a lot longer to drive over there than we thought it would, but it worked out since it was Sidney's prime napping time as well.

We literally pulled up to the area and hadn't even crossed the private/public line when we saw a nice mule deer trot by. Mike didn't even want to chance not getting something and hopped right out of the car and headed off after it (on the public land). We both thought it was a doe at first glance.....Mike figured out it was a fork buck before he shot though. Thankfully the deer didn't take off when it saw us drive up and it just meandered its way around. And thankfully it didn't run far and we found it right on the edge of the public land. I would say we got lucky.

He has provided us with a lot of meat and we have already been enjoying some of the jerky Mike made. :) Yum. Our freezer was getting pretty empty, so we are thankful to have some meat now. Still hoping to get that elk though!

Here is a photo of Mike and the girls with his deer. They thought it was pretty neat, and were petting it in the field. Kylie helped Mike skin it and clean up the meat, but Sidney wanted nothing to do with it at home. Once it was hung up in the garage she was terrified of it. We are thinking she was ok with it in the field because that is where he belongs, but it was just out of place hanging in the garage. :)

The only other "exciting" thing that has happened lately, happened this past Tuesday night. I took Kylie to bowling and when we got home I was getting stuff out of the car when Kylie got out and went to shut her door. Next thing I know she is screaming the loudest I have ever heard and I find out she slammed her thumb in the door. :(
I had to open up her door and we ran into the house to get off all our winter clothes since it was soo cold. It didn't look too bad, so we put some ice on it while we ate supper. As we ate though, it just kept swelling and she wasn't very happy at all. It got bad enough that we decided we should take her in to get it checked. So Kylie had her first ER visit. :)
She got to ice it there some more and she got to get it x-rayed. Thankfully, they didn't find any breaks or fractures and we got to go home. I think the only reason it turned out ok was because she had her gloves on! By the next morning....she was using it just fine. :)
Here are a couple blurry pictures from the excitement.

We are good friends with the nurse's husband so that helped calm Kylie's fears she first had when we got there. :)

Sorry this post has been sooooo wordy. Here are some random photos taken the past couple of weeks or so. :)

A beautiful sunset

Playing out in the field while daddy is off looking for the elk herd

Scanning the horizon looking for daddy

helping dad grind the meat

Sidney laying on a pile of blocks hiding under the blankets.
-this is how we've been spending our freezing cold days-

And taking adorable naps. :)

Gonna spend the next couple of weeks just hanging out and getting stuff ready for Thanksgiving. My parents are coming out for a few days so that will be nice. And then we have a month alone until Mike's parents come out over New Years for a while.

I am thankful everyone is willing to come out to visit us!! Even though it is just kindergarten, we don't want to take the time to go home this winter like we normally do and have Kylie miss a bunch of school. She really loves school. Even though she tends to get hurt a lot.....she smacked her eye/cheek on another kid's head during gym today and she also got hit in the face with some snow today too....sigh. Poor kid.

Anyways....I'm sure you are tired of reading about our life now. I promise next time will be more pictures instead of words. Hope you guys are having a good week!!

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