Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bowling League!

Kylie brought home a flyer about kids league bowling last week and was pretty interested in it. So we checked into it and ended up signing her up for it. She would be in the Bantam league, of 5-8 year olds.

Well, the first day was yesterday, and it was utter chaos. Once all the kids checked in, they sat down and two people went over some rules and safety info. Then they just said, make teams and sit down. Well, it was a complete mess. Then once they finally got all the kids started bowling, one mom was trying to fix something on Kylie's team's computer, and ended up checking something that makes it skip two of the 3 kids on her team. So Kylie and the other girl just sat there patiently for 3.5 frames until they finally fixed it and got to catch up. They also didn't inform the kids that they have to switch lanes each time they go, so that caused a few issues now and then as well.

BUT - she had fun, was always smiling, and showed incredibly patience waiting for her turn.....not sure where she gets that patience from.......

They didn't have bumpers up, which I was surprised at, but I guess they will never learn to throw straight if they know the bumpers are there.

There was only one guy down on the floor helping the kids and teaching them things though. I really would have expected there to be a little more in the "training" aspect of it, especially for the kids who've never really done it before.

The guy that was helping the kids came up and talked to Mike & I though and told us that he was impressed at how well Kylie listens and then does what she was told/taught. He was also impressed with how well she could throw the ball with how little she is. (She might have been the smallest girl there.) He told us not to let her quit. :)

The first game she managed a 20 and then the second game she got to 40 points. I'd call any points a success for her first game with out bumpers. She even got a spare in her first game. :)

 She had a great time, was sad we didn't get supper at the bowling alley, but we told her next week we would. Next week, we can't watch her bowl for half of it since we have our first parent-teacher conference! Yikes!

Here are some pictures from her first Bantam Bowling experience. :)

You really can't see this at all, can you. Sorry.
She is the bottom bowler. Score of 20!

I feel like the ball is twice the size of her head!

Bottom right. Score of 40!
Can't wait till next week!!

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