Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I am so frustrated with blogger right now! Or maybe it is my computer.....something!

Take heart though, I am trying to get the rest of our trip blogged and published, but something is working against me!

Please be patient with me! :)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Visit to Aunt Katie's and the Como Zoo

After our stay in Wadena, we went to the cities and stayed with my sister, her boyfriend and his daughter. Josephine is just a week older than Kylie so they were perfect playmates.
We went to the Como Zoo one day and just hung out the other days. I made a new best friend, Blue, one of Katie's cats, and the girls developed a new love for asparagus and A1 steak sauce. :)

Here are some pictures from our time there.

my new best buddy

feeding a little birdie


Everybody color!

There was a lot of glider action going on.

My phone started doing this random photo enhance thing on random pictures.
Some of them are kinda cute.

Jumping with Aunt Katie
One of the stipulations of staying at their house was that the children would
be subjected to hard labor. :) JK....but the girls did pull some weeds in the back yard. :)

Two cutie pies watching the seals

Two more cuties watching the seals

A Seal!

Sidney's view of this little tortoise that kept trying to escape under
these black bars

These were one of the main things Kylie insisted on seeing!

Everyone giving me a "why are taking a picture?" look


Aunt Katie is as excited as Sidney! :)

I can not for the life of me remember the name of this cute little guy!
Zebra and Ostriches

I believe she was saying "wow" or "whoa" as I took this. She thought
all the animals were so cool!

The second most important creature to see at the zoo!

Momma and baby

And another momma with her babies

Enjoying some ice cream after her bath.

More ice cream cuties

Got to sleep in a fort one night!
Courtesy of Landis. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Road Trip And Reger Reunion

At the end of June, the girls and I headed back to MN for a Reger family reunion and the start of our three week vacation. It was jammed pack full of fun and family and lots of food! First we stayed in Wadena for a weekend for the reunion and to hang out with my grandparents. Then we went and stayed a couple days with my sister in the cities and got to take Sidney to her first zoo! Then we went north to Hibbing for a few more days. Then we went and met Mike's parents in Duluth for a couple nights and had a jammed packed fun filled day with them. And then finally back to Hibbing for the rest of the trip when my brother and his family got there to visit. :)

I will split the posts up into sections of trip as I laid out above. They will all be a combo of camera pictures and phone pictures. I seemed to use my phone more this trip than my actual camera....Enjoy!

Here are some photos from our reunion and from our first weekend staying at my grandparent's house. :)

Still lots of snow on the mountains when we crossed over on the way

blurry, but walking around in great-grandma's shoes

stories with great-grandma

Checking out the collection of baby froggies

"Come on guys!"

Us grandkids. (missing 6)

Picking clover :)
cousins at the reunion

swinging with auntie Katie
walking the teeter-totter with uncle landis

She had SO much fun doing it, and caused her grandmother
to have multiple mini heart attacks in the process :)

Teeter-totter fun!

nap time with grandma

sleeping in her super baby pose

She loves the teeter-totter

I think she would have stayed there the whole day if I let her

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Muddy Fun

One of the girls' favorite past times is playing in puddles and if they are muddy puddles, it is even better. Here are some photos of the girls from two separate occasions a month or so ago when they took advantage of me watering the yard and creating puddles. :)

It's a good thing they are cute and we own a good washing machine!