Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sidney - 17 Months

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That was Sidney's first blog post. :)

She is so crazy busy! I can not believe how active this little lady is. Kylie was never as curious and INTO things as she is. I feel like we are constantly stopping her from doing things. Hopefully she will eventually learn!

She finally got a new tooth. She now has three bottom front teeth. She looks so cute! She is up to 22.8 pounds and is hanging in there at about 31 3/4 inches still.

She is so vocal and inquisitive and just straight up crazy. She loves to play! Running back and forth through the house either chasing or being chased by Kylie, is a favorite pastime of hers.

Her vocab is slowly starting to increase. She has started saying 'thank-you" and "bowl". She has also started signing "get dressed", "thank-you", "please",  and "cat". Putting her at 11 signs and 12 words she can say. She can sign and say "thank-you" and "baby", so she has a 21 word vocabulary. :)

Not much else this month. Except for she has been super sick twice now. Hoping to get over that soon!

She refused to cooperate for me today to get a picture of her, so these were the best I could get from her. :)



What a cutie patootie!

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