Sunday, February 2, 2014

16 Months

I say this every month...but I still can't believe how fast time is going. I'm 28, Kylie is a month shy of 4.5, Sidney is 16 months and Mike is going to be 29 next week. I just sit back some days and wonder where has all the time gone. And then I realize that I am actually Only 28 and there is sooo much life ahead of me.
But anyways...this is about Sidney being 16 months!

She gave me a birthday present herself and finally started calling me "mama" a few days ago. I LOVE it. She will randomly yell it across the house, and if I call "Sidney" back to her, she will start giggling.

She has started signing "dog" and has started saying "all done", "yum yum", "baby", "no" and can kind of say "mine". She is turning into such a big girl. Watching her play with all the bigger kids at playgroup is so much fun. She is finally starting to run across the gym chasing them. It is quite funny watching her run. I can't wait until this summer when we start meeting at the park. I can already see that she is going to be full of energy and be quite adventurous running around.

She has also started to really enthusiastically give hugs. She loves just randomly coming up to Mike, Kylie or I and giving us great big hugs. It just melts my heart.

She weighed in at 21 pounds. Down a pound from last month, but she is so crazy active. She is up to 31 and 3/4 inches though. So getting taller!
She still has no more new teeth. Just the top front 4, the front bottom 2 and then all 4 first year molars. I know it is good for them the longer it takes for their teeth to show up, but she looks so funny compared to all the other little toddlers her age that we see at library. I know she will get them eventually though.

Here are a couple pictures of Sidney
Showing us her love of books.

walking in princess shoes

practicing her turn around look for her runway walking
And here is a random video of her playing in the kitchen

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