Saturday, November 23, 2013

MN Deer Season

The first leg of our super long vacation was to my family's hunting shack for the MN deer season. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty excited to go deer hunting. It had been a long time!
Opening day was Crazy windy, but I saw 2 bucks that morning. It had been 2 years since I'd gone hunting, and about 5 years since I've even shot a deer. We saw nothing that afternoon, but I was still pumped to go out Sunday. I got a 6 pointer Sunday morning! :) Yea!

Thank goodness I got that buck that morning, because Sunday mid-morning, the first of all the people at the shack got hit with a nasty bug, and by 2pm 3 of us had it. By the middle of the night, everyone (except my Uncle Tom and Sidney) was sick. Thankfully, it was between a 12-24 hour bug, and we were all pretty much back to normal pretty quickly.

I didn't go back out hunting again, until the end of the week, and I got a little spike buck Friday night. Saturday morning Mike got his first Minnesota deer, a nice big doe. Saturday night, Jake, a family friend that hunts with us, also got a nice doe. One of my uncles shot a doe and a fawn opening day, so we ended up with 6 deer. So that was pretty nice. Lots of meat for the freezer. Looking forward to eating that all up.

After we left the shack we visited my grandmother and then spent the night at my other grandparents. It was so nice to catch up with them all, and grandma made some serious good food. :)

Finished up the last stretch of the trip and got to Wisconsin this past Tuesday. Most of Mike's immediate family got here last night. SOO good to see them all.

Sidney and Grandpa Mark

Kylie and Josie playing "Trouble"

Sidney's favorite thing at the shack...the side table between
a couple of the chairs

Sidney and Jackson

Sidney and Auntie Katie
"Hey Grandpa! Did you know there is a deer
hanging in the bathroom?!"
Sidney stood there for quite awhile staring at
grandpa working.... :)

Silly girls

All ready to go out and sit with Grandpa Mark in the stand
Sadly, they didn't see anything.

My little six pointer

Cute girlies.


Working out :)

The best use of empty pop cases. :)

Thank Goodness for Jake and his I-pad with Netflix!
I have more photos, but the internet is being temper-mental here and it took forever just to get these posted! I will add more later! :)
Hope all is going well with everyone!!

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