Monday, November 4, 2013

Joy School Halloween Party

Joy School meets on Tuesdays and Fridays. So, we decided to hold the school Halloween party the day after Halloween. That was cool with the kids, one more day to wear their costumes!

Each of us moms made some sort of activity or treat for the kids. There are only 4 of us families involved with school right now, but we still had lots of stuff to do during the party. It was quite the entertaining party. Especially with a bunch of little ones!

Here are some pictures from our fun party!
(I took LOTS of pictures....but I'm only posting the pics of the girls. lots of pics!)

bobbing for apples

I got one!
And Sidney reaching in for her own!

Sidney wondering why she can't go face first into
the bucket of water. :)

Sidney got one too! (with her hands!) :)

eating a donut off a string

She grabbed the string once, but did really good otherwise!

She spent most of the party wandering around
with an apple, and when I would look at her, she would stop,
lean over and smile like crazy. :)
Such a little ham at times! :)
Sidney's turn to eat a donut on a string.....She wasn't
good at all about not touching it. :)

Big bite!

This is delicious mom! Why haven't I had one of
these yet?!

Going fishing.

Sidney's turn

The mom hosting the party, made these awesome
mummy juice boxes to go with the jack-o-lantern designed pizzas

Sidney sat great in a big girl booster and
ate a whole slice of pizza all by herself.

The whole group that was there,
joy school students and siblings

The 4 joy school students.
Carli, Kylie, Anyston & Bridger
Besides Kylie not looking, a cute pic of the girls and me

Helping Sidney hit the fabulous ghost piñata that
I made. :)

Kylie's turn
Each kid got to hit the piñata twice, before we let the oldest kid go to town on it and take it out. They had a lot of fun smacking it!
I filled it with some Halloween fruit snacks, granola bars, dum-dums, monster stickers, and a giant chocolate bar for each child.
They all seemed happy with their loot. :)
Hope you guys had a good weekend. Sorry to you Wisconsinites on your Packer loss tonight. I do sincerely hope though, that Rodgers gets back in it next week.
I have so much to do the next two days before we leave! I'm getting pretty excited to get back home and go deer hunting! Yea! It has been much too long! And to see all our family! It has been much too long for that as well!
Have a good week!

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