Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sidney - 11 months!


I only have one month until I no longer have a baby. I can't believe she is almost to the toddler stage! I can believe it in one way though....she can't sit still!

She is constantly crawling everywhere and climbing up everything! Her new favorite trick is to climb up into her blue rocker chair, turn around and plop down and sit there. With this pleased as punch look on her face. It is so cute. If the chair is close enough to either couch, she can also crawl from it and onto the couch....this doesn't please mom too much. I'm waiting for her to now fall from the couch!

She is also getting adventurous outside and has discovered that she can crawl up the slide. That little girl is going to be trouble.

And as much as Sidney is like a dog, carries toys & cups in her mouth, comes when you call her, and drools like crazy, she is also kinda like a cat in the fact that she has recently discovered how fun it is to just sit and stare out the window. If I have the blue chair in front of the window, she will crawl into it and just look out the window, babbling in excitement! :) (it reminds me of my one cat who would sit on the back of the chair and chatter at the birds outside the window!)

We were wrong in guessing that she'd be walking by 11 months. She isn't yet. She will attempt to take one step if we let go of her, but then she just falls to the ground and starts crawling the rest of the way. I'll bet again though that she will be walking before her 1st birthday!

She doesn't talk much yet with words, but still screams, squeals and babbles like crazy. I can see how she might end up taking a little while to use words....Kylie is already talking for her. Sidney has started pointing like crazy this past week though. She will point at a couple of things if I ask her where the light is or where are the cows. She really likes the cows.

I'm still signing as much as I can with her. Still waiting for her to sign back though. I don't think Kylie signed back to me until after a year though....I'd have to look it up.

I totally thought that today was the 30th, not yesterday, so these stats are from today.
She is up to 18.5 pounds. Whoo Hoo! She gained weight! 2 pounds in a month! must be the formula!
And she is still around 28.5 inches.

I went through a box of Kylie's old clothes the other night and got out all the 12-18 month stuff. I need to get through Sidney's dresser though and take out the 3-6 month stuff. She is finally too big for most of that stuff. Isn't that sad...she can still wear some 3-6 month stuff! (it's gotta be the clothing manufacturing differences between brands!)

She finally has a top tooth! It broke through on the 16th. She has been drooling like crazy! So we are up to 3 teeth now! Maybe she will have 4 by the time she is one!

We are going to buy her a new carseat so she has a bigger, probably more comfortable one for our trip out to OR in a few weeks. Her feet are already dangling out the end of her infant carseat. I think I am more excited for it than she will be though!

Sidney's favorite thing to do these days, besides climbing, is to take things out of containers and put them into other containers. I love watching her do can just see the wheels turning in her head and she figures out how to get things where she wants them. I can't believe how fast they learn things and grow evidence of my 4 year old!

Hope all is going well with everyone!

Got caught that morning with the Kleenex box!

Our 11 month shoot

She was just waaay too excited for pictures

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