Monday, August 10, 2015

MN Vaca -Part 1

In July we had a road trip planned to go back to WI for a graduation party for our niece, Reiley, and a surprise grad part for our dad, Rick.
Mike ended up being gone on a detail...go the girls and I hit the road ourselves.
We spent one day driving to the cities and spent two nights with my sister.
It was a low key visit with my sister, but sometimes low key is good! We went for a long walk, got ice cream, played with Katie's pets, the girls went to the park with Landis and I got to go see where Katie is working and we just got to hang out. It was a good visit.
Here are some pictures from our time with them. :)

Some one was not very excited about the car ride that morning. :)

They thought sliding down sideways was the best thing ever....

even if they landed like this!

jumping like crazy

it was a looong walk to DQ. :)

walking Jackson on the way back.


Sidney's turn to walk Jack


giant puzzle time


getting the lizards some sun

one of Katie's cats, Blue. Isn't he gorgeous?!

I love that Jackson is using the grass as a pillow. :)

one of the newts

the other newt
braiding bread for supper

She thought it was fabulous to put a marble on every square of Josie's rug....

One of the plus sides to visiting Aunt Katie is that she will make your
hair pretty every morning. :)

So pretty!



Kylie was SO excited to get her very own caramel cooler from
Caribou. - Decaf, of course.

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