Sunday, August 30, 2015

First Day of First Grade

The first day of school here was on the 19th. Even after last year, I'm still not use to school starting in the middle of August. It is so weird!

The night before was a little rough in our house. Kylie was really nervous and scared about not knowing anyone and if she would make any friends. Poor thing! :(

We eventually convinced her it will be ok and got her to go to sleep. I don't think it helped either though that she knew Mike was leaving in the morning for a detail. :(

She got up early, obviously still excited about the concept of first grade, got dressed, did her hair, ate some breakfast.

She was very determined that her daddy was going to take a picture of her on the first day, so we took a couple quick shots inside the house before he had to leave for work.

A picture that Mike took for her.

And a group shot before daddy had to leave.
Once she finished breakfast, I took pictures out front.
Massive amounts of pictures. :)
Sidney was still inside and when she realized she couldn't find us she started bawling her eyes out thinking we had left. (despite being told that we'd be on the front steps) poor thing was so sad. :(
After pictures we headed to school. The kids play outside until the bell rings and then each class has a designated line outside one of the doors that is for their class to line up on. Then their teacher comes out and brings them inside. After school, their teacher brings them back out to that line. The kids aren't allowed to leave the line until their teacher has gone through the line to them and asked if they see their ride. The kids need to point out their ride and then they are allowed to leave. They are pretty serious about kids going with the right people.
This is the first school I've encountered too with a buzzer system. You have to buzz and explain what you are doing there before they let you in the school. Not used to it, but kinda nice.
This is what she wore the night before to her meet and greet at school.
She got to go meet her teacher, drop off her supplies, find her desk and find her locker.
It was nice and I think that helped ease a couple of her fears.


Poor Sidney, she was trying to smile through her tears. :)

Waiting outside by the playground

Poor thing brought up the end of the line because we almost didn't
find her line. We didn't realize it would be on the back side of the school! :)

School has been going well so far. She seems to be liking it and has made a few friends. :)
They have already started homework and she has a few minutes of math homework every night. It is going well.
Every other Friday they have early release. I don't know why, but they do. So she gets out at 1:30 instead of 3:15. That is another weird thing here, but I guess we'll figure it out. :)
She starts soccer and ballet in September. Ballet is every week through the middle of May and soccer is just for September. It will start up again in the spring and they will play in April and May. 
So things should get much busier next month! Looking forward to things to keep us busy!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kylie's Ears Got Pierced!

Kylie had been asking for awhile to get her ears pierced and she is the one who suggested that she gets them pierced when she turns 6. :)
So since school started on the 19th, I figured we should get it done before then since I wanted to go up to Rapid City to get it done.
So it was an early birthday present. She was pretty nervous! It didn't help that it took the technician quite a while to get the dots on her ears in the right spot. Her ears are just so tiny! :)
I let her bring her blanket in to hold and she sat on Grandma's lap too.

Here is the video of the poor thing crying her heart out. And some pictures of the process too! :)

She looks so scared!

getting her ears cleaned....

getting the holes marked out.....

the extreme sadness during the second hole. :(
She totally made mommy cry too.

BUT....Happy with the aftermath. :)
She picked out sparkly pink hearts. :)
She still loves them, and has already started quite the collection of earrings that she can wear once her six weeks are up. She even got an earring tree for her birthday to hold all of her new earrings. :)
She also does an excellent job making sure that they get cleaned 3 times a day. :) 


Mattmiller/Hollister visit to NE

Rick, Carol and Grandma Dorothy came out to NE to visit for a few days before Kylie started school. They got here Wednesday and had to leave Saturday, so it was a quick trip, but filled with love and fun. :)
On Thursday, we girls went to the salon to get our toes all done up. :) It was nice. I haven't gotten that done since before Sidney was born I think! My toenails actually still look as good as they did that first day......what is it about pedicures that make the polish seem to last forever? But manicures never last as long? Hmmm. are pictures from the salon. :)

Selfie with Sidney

Selfie with Kylie

Sidney wondering when on earth is it going to be her turn?!

I sent Kylie over there with my phone to get a
picture of Sidney getting her toes painted.
This was her first salon experience. :)

I love that you can't see her in the chair except for her legs sticking out. :)

Kylie's least you can see the top of her head sticking out. :)

drying her toes!
On Friday we went up to Rapid City so that Grandma Carol could spoil the girls with some back to school shopping. :) Kylie got tons of new clothes and some new all ready for school. Sidney even got a pair of shoes, an outfit, some jammies and a new jacket. They both got spoiled good.
We also stopped at Cabela's for the boys so they could pick up a couple more things they needed for their WY hunting trip in October!
Kylie also got her ears pierced as an early b-day present.....but I'll make that a separate post.
I didn't really take many more photos. But here are some from the last night and day. It was so hot while they were here we didn't really go out and see anything. Just hid in the house! :)
trying to pop a water balloon on her was a lot harder than
you'd think!

she eventually got it...
playing with water balloons grandma and grandpa filled up. :)

Itty bitty water balloons....they just enjoyed throwing them on the ground
and making them pop that way. :)
The night before they left, Rick helped Mike put together the girls' new bunk bed. I'm still not sure what possessed us to agree to getting a bunk bed....I'm still learning to like it.....but they seem to be cool with it and Sidney transitioned well from her crib-toddler bed to the big twin bed. :)
The only picture I have of their bed....
with Terra checking out all the slats!
Morning snuggles with great grandma


Grandma Carol let Kylie pick out whatever she wanted as her
birthday present....she picked out one of those fairies that you
can fly around with your hand. :)


hanging out

Kylie reading to everyone

Great Grandma and the girls

Grandma & Grandpa & the girls
It was a wonderful visit and can't wait to see everyone again. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dawes County Fair

I took the girls to the county fair this year......and I don't know if I want to go back next year....
It was pretty sad and even the kids rodeo was focused more on little kids that own horses. :( They did do stick horse races, but it was just my girls and one other little boy who had stick horses.
We did go watch the pet companion show and the goat show because we know a couple little boys who were showing things (who we got the kittens from).

We tried to watch the youth rodeo one night, but not even halfway through Sidney threw a giant fit about which bathroom she had to use, and I gave up and called it a night. :)

Unless Kylie wants to show one of the kitties in the cat show next year I'm not sure if I'll take the time to go to much of it....but are pictures from our visit this year.

Sidney getting shown how to do the barrel races

Run Back!

She loved doing it!

Kylie's turn at the barrel races

The family that had the other little kid doing stick horses also had their older
kids doing the races with one of their horses. They asked if Kylie wanted to ride him
for a min. So their mom walked the horse around for Kylie for a couple minutes and
let her sit on him for a little while.
It was really nice of them!

Sidney doing the goat race. ---pretty much you ride your horse up
to the goat, and you are suppose to grab the goat and get the tie off
his tail....they held the goat for all the little kids to make it easier on them. :)

Got a video of Kylie getting the tie
The girls waiting in a trailer full of straw with all the other kids.
There was a bunch of coins dumped in with the straw for the kids to find.

Looking! It was SO dry and dusty and there was straw flying everywhere.
Neither girl lasted long...but they each got a few coins though.
After going home and cleaning up from the little kid rodeo...we changed and went back to eat supper and watch some of the youth rodeo....until Sidney threw her fit that is.
This kid.....

I only have pictures of Kylie eating.....oops. :)

enjoying cotton candy....I think she forgot she's had it before.

I shared with was delicious....
but so was my funnel cake!