Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving '14

I'll start with last Sunday. The girls took a bath and moments before bed, Kylie threw up. Ew. We put her to bed and she got up around 3 to have some water and threw up half an hour later. She stayed home from school last Monday. She had school Tuesday and a half day Wednesday, and then my parents got here Wednesday afternoon. We had a fun filled night and turkey day, and then Kylie threw up after thanksgiving dinner. Sigh. I'm pretty sure it's a bug, but it's also odd that each time she threw up she had just had black olives... must be a coincidence.

We spent Friday just hanging out. Sidney spent a lot of the day cuddled up saying her tummy hurt. Thankfully that was the extent of her bout with the bug. We did go to the Holiday Lights parade Friday night since Mike was on BLM engine. Saturday was a quiet morning and then my parents had to leave for home around mid day. We decided to spend the afternoon then driving around looking for elk. Didn't find any, but we did get Sidney a 3 hour nap!

Saturday I went to bed just after 8. I was exhausted. Sunday both Mike and I woke up not feeling 100%, but we sucked it up and went to church because we were lighting the first advent candle that day. After lunch, I spent the rest of the day lying on the couch. Exhausted and just sick feeling. I was fine by Monday morning though. Mike on the other hand was down for the count and stayed home sick Monday. This morning, Sidney is back to not feeling fabulously. Hopefully it passes quickly. Thankfully my parents didn't seem to catch anything to take back to MN.

Wasn't an overly exciting holiday, just hung out and my parents got some quality grandkid time in. Lots of games were played and lots of giggles were shared, mostly due to Sidney's crazy shenanigans.  :) sad it was a quick visit, but glad we got to visit.

Now we are starting to put out Christmas decorations and we are hoping to get a tree this weekend. Going to enjoy some crazy holiday fun and then look forward to Mike's parents coming out for a visit.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you are all healthier than us! :)

Photo & Video Overload For You:

Bedtime Snuggles

Color & Cut paper puzzles

Lego Towers
Playing Memory

Playing Chutes & Ladders

Playing with snow before the parade started

The BLM rigs

Reading with grandpa

A favorite pastime, getting hair done

More Memory

Reading with Grandma

Playing dress up
Dress up and Legos

Group Photo

And Mike and Kylie coming back to the car after a little hike.
Kylie was getting tired of just riding in the car looking, so Mike took her
for a little walk before it got dark and I stayed with a sleeping Sidney.
Well, I had more videos of Sidney dancing to upload, but apparently you aren't allowed to watch them because they have music playing in the background and it may be copyrighted.
Seriously? Wow.
Anyways. I hope you enjoyed those two videos anyways.
Try clicking the link to see if it takes you to youtube to watch it!

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