Friday, December 19, 2014

O Christmas Tree

Last Saturday we headed out to an area over by Meteetsee to look for a Christmas tree. We drove around for a little while and then found a place to get out and walk around looking for a tree. We found an OK one and walked around some more and found a second decent one. We thought we'd be able to find some better ones, so we got back in the car and kept driving. A couple hours later we decided to go back and get the first tree. :)

We got back there just as another family was getting out and ready to find a tree too. Thankfully they went the opposite direction of the tree we were after. :)

Too bad that one in the back is just a little too big, huh? :)

What a couple of cuties!

We tossed it on top of the car, ran to Meteetse to grab some lunch, then we drove through the elk unit quick to see if we could find them. No luck. 

We got home and got the tree in the house and then spent some time outside trying to clear up some of the flooding from all the melting snow in the yards. It was in the 50's last Saturday and in the 40's all last week. I thought it was going to be a very brown Christmas, but thankfully this week we got a few inches of snow and we are suppose to get some more the next few days too. A white Christmas!

Got the tree all decorated and lit up after church Sunday. It's been three years since we've had a tree ourselves, so it was fun to decorate with the girls.  :) They were giddy with glee each time they hung an ornament. Laughing hysterically. It was lots of fun.

The finished tree with our basket of wrapped books underneath.
We are opening a winter/Christmas related book each night until Christmas.
(Pinterest idea of course) The girls love it! And it has been helpful in filling
up the time needed for Kylie's Book It program. :)


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