Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

I Hate Bugs! Considering I love being outdoors and everything associated with outdoors, I hate bugs.
I am sure by now you all know of our bug issue. I think the only time we haven't had an issue with this house, was when we were gone for a month!

So, considering spring is just a couple days away I decided to attack the house yesterday.
I spent the morning raking away all the leaves and junk away from the edge of the house. Ugh, that was a pain in the butt. I still need to take care of all the piles, but I really don't want to. :)
I then sprayed the entire outside of the house with some bug killer/repellent. It is an indoor/outdoor kind so I then spent the afternoon cleaning the house.
I discovered the easiest way to clean now is to completely empty the room (minus the giant bulky furniture), vaccume, dust, etc., and then put things back into the room. I started in the living room and my bedroom. I emptied them out, vaccummed, then sprayed the edges of the wall with the bug stuff.

While those rooms were drying, the girls and I hung out in Kylie's room while we cleaned up her room. I then moved the girls back to the living room and sprayed Kylie's room and Sidney's "room".
Both their rooms are clean now. For the moment. The kitchen and the bathroom are my to do's today.
So tired though, didn't sleep much, so we will see if they get done.

Sidney now has a "room". It was our spare room that we referred to as the "Futon Room". The futon is gone and the room now holds the crib, the changing table and Sidney's random things. Still need to figure out how we are going to get her clothes to her room. They are still in our dressers and closet.

After two trips to the hardware store to get the right screws for the crib, (we managed to lose 8 since Kylie was last in it), I finally got the crib together yesterday afternoon. Sidney got to sleep in it for the first time last night.

She looks soooo tiny in it!

Now if anyone can tell me which of the 50 boxes in the house/garage has the crib sheets/pad in it, I can actually make her bed!!!

Here are a couple random pics from the last few days. Just to make this post worth reading. :)

Sidney in her Jenny Jump Up on St. Patty's Day

Sidney after our walk a few days ago.

My little cowgirls. :)

My tongue sticker outer

My big cowgirl!

Happy Tuesday!

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