Sunday, March 3, 2013

Crazy weekend away

This past weekend we decided to go up to Billings to stock up on some of the essentials and some groceries, along with a few new fun things (work boots and snowshoes for mike, a new camera for me!).
The whole weekend was a frustrating mess. The first store we went to was Target and Kylie thought it would be fun to hide from us (less than 5 feet from us). Needless to say, a two minute target code yellow, a bunch of tears from me and a little bit of yelling later, we found her hiding in a rack of clothes. She then wouldn't get in the cart and stay there, so her and Mike went to the car, while Sidney & I got the things I had to get from Target as fast as I could.

Kylie's terrible threes were then in full force the rest of the weekend.

It was the longest weekend ever.

On the plus side, we were able to get just about everything we were planning on, and we got to get the girls in the pool a couple of times. And we got to eat some really yummy food. I ate at an Outback Steakhouse for the first time and it was Delicious!

Here are a few pics from the pool fun.

Sidney's stellar new pool floaty.
We forgot the good one at home, so we bought some cheap ones at Kmart.

Kylie and Mike with Kylie's new floaty

Happy Swimmer

Kylie enjoying herself

Sidney & I, looking very tired
Hope everyone had a more relaxing weekend than we did! Looking forward to a low key week and getting to play with my new camera! Will post those "5" month pics as soon as I can.
Enjoy your week!

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