Saturday, March 30, 2013

6 months!

Sidney is 6 months old today! Oh My!

We just can't believe she is that old. She has quite the little personality to share, but acts sooo shy around people. Giving them little smirks and then turning her head away. It cracks everyone up.
She has also started her separation anxiety. There are times I can't even step out of the room with out her crying bloody murder. And don't get me started on other people holding her. I hope she gets over that in a month! :)

She still doesn't want to roll from back to tummy, but she will still randomly roll from tummy to back. She sits fabulously now and loves to see things from that point of view. She is getting braver when it comes to reaching for things. She will completely bend in half to grab for things out of reach. Then amazes us when she can sit right back up. She gets very upset though if she can't reach it, or ends up pushing it away herself. :)

There are no teeth yet. She just chews on anything and everything. At this point, I hope she just gets them all at once and gets it over with. She seems to get so miserable in the afternoon/evening and I can tell it is her gums bothering her, just by the faces she makes.

Sidney weighs a whopping 17 pounds (as measured on our scale) and is 26.25 inches tall. She is getting so big! Her 6 month check up in on April 2nd, so I'll give you possibly more accurate numbers then with some percentile numbers as well.

I was hoping the weather would cooperate today to do some outside photos since it was almost 70 degrees the last two days. It didn't. It was raining all morning and was quite windy this afternoon.
So, I attempted our photo shoot inside. I am in the process of learning more photography skills, so I may alter some more photos and post them later. Here are a few photos though.
She got a beautiful dress in the mail the other day, so I took advantage of it and did a dressed up photo shoot too. :)
She was way to cute for her own good. Except, we couldn't for the life of us get her to smile when she was all dressed up!

Her favorite face to make....tongue out!

Look at these cool beads!

So Pretty!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and enjoys the rest of the weekend!


A splishy splashy egg hunt

A couple weeks ago we read in the paper that the new aquatic center in town was going to hold an egg hunt in the pool. We kept this info to ourselves because deep down we knew Kylie would really want to do it.

Well, a few days ago Kylie heard a commercial for it on the radio and immediately started begging to go play in the pool. Kylie, Sidney & I went to the new center on Thursday to check it out and see if she would be able to do it. We weren't sure yet if Mike was working today or not, so we needed to know if I had to be in the water with her. (Mike isn't working today!) Either way though, it would have been alright. The section for the 3-6 year olds only goes up to 2 feet. I had to go in the water with her, but I didn't really need to get too wet.

So, long story short.....we got her a ticket to do the egg hunt.
And it ended up being a complete and udder MESS.

I know it was the first egg hunt they have had....but it was sooooo completely unorganized.
We got there and had to stand outside until it was 1:00. Then they let people in and had we had to each check in with our ticket and then we could go into the pool area. (it was limited to 100 kids...thankfully! But it should have been limited to about 75 MAX)

I had Sidney in the backpack carrier and Mike stayed on the side with the camera. The next thing I know a whistle gets blown and everyone takes off into the pool. Needless to say, she was just trying to get everyones attention. Well, after a complete mess and me getting wet up to my belly and Sidney get her legs wet, me pulling a little girl back to shallow area 'cause she couldn't touch, and Kylie getting a mere 3 eggs.....everyone had to put the eggs back and we all had to wait to start all over.
I handed Sidney off to Mike and went and changed into my suit.
The second go round was still mess. Kylie got 11.5 eggs. There were special golden eggs in there for special prizes, but the older kids tackled everyone in order to get those.
After we were done, Kylie got to trade in her eggs for a little baggie of toys.
She got to swim afterwards and I even put Sidney in her suit so she could play in the water.
Both girls enjoyed that part.

I have no intentions of ever doing that again.
And if you were wondering...the water went to about 4 feet deep, not 2.

But here are a couple pics from the chaos.

She sure is excited for this!

I'm getting very wet!

First round of eggs

our second round attempt
Her bag of toys after handing in her eggs.
She was happy with the result. :)
having a mild meltdown after falling under the water.
Sidney looking completely unenthused with the water.
She really did have a good time though.
Another painful expression, but enjoying the water spouts
dripping all over. :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Swinging

We cleaned up Kylie's old "baby" swing and got it hooked up a couple of weeks ago. We have had a couple really good days that I've had Sidney out swinging. Looking forward to some more warm weather so she can be out more; before she learns to crawl and is putting every stick, grass, and bug in her mouth!

Here are a couple pics from our fun.

First time in. Seems to be enjoying it!

Kylie loves giving pushes!


Kylie having tons of fun!
Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Cookies

I was going to make cookies yesterday.

The same kind I made at Christmas and Valentine's Day. I checked the ingredient list and checked my sugar stash and how many eggs I had. I headed to the store and bought sugar, eggs and the heavy whipping cream.

Yesterday afternoon I got all the stuff out to make them. I then realized that I did not have enough flour for a full batch. :(

Well, needless to say, I wasn't going back to town to get flour and I still wanted to make cookies. (I need snacks despite my wanting to lose these last few baby pounds!)
So, we made a half batch.

We were in town today for library so I picked some flour up and we may be totally making another half batch later.. We are bringing some to Margaret at work on Friday so we have to make some more.

Here are a couple pictures from Kylie helping and a photo of her final cookies.

They are delicious.
I am contemplating making some for Sidney's baptism weekend - another good excuse to make yummy cookies.

Kylie starting some decorating

So happy to decorate.
(funny looking with eyes closed though!)

How Sidney was feeling through most of the cookie making.


The finished product.
(minus one cookie that got a little too brown on the edges
and thus had to be eaten!)

Kylie and I each had a couple cookies, but then I bagged them up and sent them with Mike to work so he could share with everyone while they are doing burns.

We now have some more flour, so we will make more tomorrow to bring to Margaret and for us to eat!

Monday, March 25, 2013


This little lady better hurry up and get those teeth. Sidney surprisingly isn't drooling as much as she was the last month or two, but she is constantly chewing on something or trying to eat her tongue off. Her tongue is always hanging out these days. :)

Cold chewies were the way to go until today. She doesn't care for them today. Her go to gum soother is a cold carrot in a munchkin fresh food feeder. Something cold and hard, that tastes different then those plastic teethers, but she can't choke on. It is fabulous. She loves it.

Here are a couple pics of her enjoying her carrot.



Wanting to say HI!
Hope you all have a fabulous week!!


The number of backyard calves has been increasing. To top it all off, the people across the road fenced off the area over there and have filled it with their calving cows. We have babies everywhere!
Kylie loves it. Every time she sees a calf, through the window, in the backyard, while we drive by, she yells something along the lines of: "Aww, a baby moo cow!"

Took a couple pictures of some babies the other day. Until the designated babysitter cow told me to stop. :)

The cute babies

Same babies

Mom & baby (she is the babysitter cow!)

A couple of problem children.
(I shooed them back in after a min. or two)

Shortly before Momma told me off.

Baby cows are just too cute. Hope they help your Monday. :)

Friday, March 22, 2013


Our sunny warm 70 degree temps have come and gone and we are in a stretch of the 30s and low 40s again. Including the occasional snow/rain shower.

Last night I just realized the girls both have warm, fuzzy snowman footie pajamas. They have had them for months and I just realized it. So we broke them out again last night for this cold weather.

Here are my little snowman wearing cuties. :)

Getting them both to look at the same time has proven impossible for me lately.
Hope to fix that problem by Easter though.
Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

I Hate Bugs! Considering I love being outdoors and everything associated with outdoors, I hate bugs.
I am sure by now you all know of our bug issue. I think the only time we haven't had an issue with this house, was when we were gone for a month!

So, considering spring is just a couple days away I decided to attack the house yesterday.
I spent the morning raking away all the leaves and junk away from the edge of the house. Ugh, that was a pain in the butt. I still need to take care of all the piles, but I really don't want to. :)
I then sprayed the entire outside of the house with some bug killer/repellent. It is an indoor/outdoor kind so I then spent the afternoon cleaning the house.
I discovered the easiest way to clean now is to completely empty the room (minus the giant bulky furniture), vaccume, dust, etc., and then put things back into the room. I started in the living room and my bedroom. I emptied them out, vaccummed, then sprayed the edges of the wall with the bug stuff.

While those rooms were drying, the girls and I hung out in Kylie's room while we cleaned up her room. I then moved the girls back to the living room and sprayed Kylie's room and Sidney's "room".
Both their rooms are clean now. For the moment. The kitchen and the bathroom are my to do's today.
So tired though, didn't sleep much, so we will see if they get done.

Sidney now has a "room". It was our spare room that we referred to as the "Futon Room". The futon is gone and the room now holds the crib, the changing table and Sidney's random things. Still need to figure out how we are going to get her clothes to her room. They are still in our dressers and closet.

After two trips to the hardware store to get the right screws for the crib, (we managed to lose 8 since Kylie was last in it), I finally got the crib together yesterday afternoon. Sidney got to sleep in it for the first time last night.

She looks soooo tiny in it!

Now if anyone can tell me which of the 50 boxes in the house/garage has the crib sheets/pad in it, I can actually make her bed!!!

Here are a couple random pics from the last few days. Just to make this post worth reading. :)

Sidney in her Jenny Jump Up on St. Patty's Day

Sidney after our walk a few days ago.

My little cowgirls. :)

My tongue sticker outer

My big cowgirl!

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patty's Day Treasure Hunt

While finding something to do for fun today I discovered a St. Patty's Day themed treasure hunt.
This was a last minute idea, so Kylie's "Pot of Gold" at the end was just a drawing of a pot of gold and a bag of skittles.
Kylie had a blast doing it, but did it soooo fast that she was a little bummed when it was over.
She also did it so fast, I didn't get very many good pics of the whole treasure hunt. :)

Looking for a clue
"Look under a big chair, if you dare."

(this was meant for a bigger house, that has a hall.)
This is our version of a hall. :)

Looking where she "rests her head"

Even Sidney was a clue (she was riding in the baby backpack)
She was the only other green shirt we had available!
"Look, I found a clue!"
Found another clue
The end result....Kylie's "Pot of Gold"
-where food gets really cold

Here is a link to the blog that I found the treasure hunt on:

I think next year I will do something similar since both girls will be mobile, and I will be prepared with a real pot of gold!!

Hope you all had a wonderful St. Patty's Day!!

St. Patty's Day crafts

So today I felt like making a couple crafts with Kylie to kind of celebrate St. Patty's Day.
Last week at school they made cute little leprechauns with their hand prints and I wanted to share that with you too.

Kylie first drew the smile upside down,
so Ms. Trista turned it into a unibrow for her. :)

They also made rainbows at school last week, but Kylie only goes 2 days/wk so she missed that day. We made it here at home instead.
This one was pretty fun. We got to eat the leftovers!
I wanted to make some shamrocks today too, but we didn't get to that. Maybe we will make them tomorrow just for fun! 

It only took 3 years.....

Well, it only took 3 1/2 years, but Kylie finally drew on herself with permanent marker. :)

Thankfully it actually washed of the next night in the bathtub. Must of been a weak marker. :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sidney Squeals

Yesterday Sidney fully discovered what her voice could really do. She spent the majority of the day squealing, unless she was sleeping and eating.

She has continued to do some squealing today as well. She even let out a good one at the library hour. :)

Here is a short video of her working on her skills.

I told you I would add them all at once! :) Hopefully this helped you get over any mid-week blues!
Have a good rest of week!

Banana Muffin Video 2

Here is a second video.
We think this one is kinda funny.


Banana Muffin Video

Here is the video of Kylie while we were making muffins. :)


Kylie Entertainment

Kylie was the first to really get Sidney to start giggling uncontrollably. Ever since then, Kylie will randomly entertain Sidney will the weirdest things. Last night was no exception.

I missed some of Sidney's best giggling, but I got some good stuff a little bit into the video. (video is about 1min 30sec)

I apologize in advance for Kylie, I have no idea where she came up with what she was saying. It is very odd. And I apologize for her little butt crack. That girl can't keep a pair of pants up for the life of her. :)

I think I did it. This is the only way I could get it to work!


Random Sid Pics

Here are a few pics of Sidney from the last few days....

Still trying to get a video to upload on here. Prepare to eventually be bombarded with videos one day once I finally figure it out. :)

Playing on Kylie's messy bed.

She found Kylie's Baby Alive doll to be very
fascinating every time it talked.

About to fall over. :)

Mid Squeal.

Happy Wednesday!