Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Minnesota Visit

After our time in Wisconsin we headed over to Minnesota to see some more family.
Our time there was filled with a whole lot of fun too. Lots of family visiting, lots of watercolor painting, and a whole lot of relaxing. We spent one weekend down in Wadena so the girls could visit their great-grandparents. Even a old family friend who has wanted to meet Kylie for 3 years finally got to meet her. Sidney also got to meet her first doggie and kitties.
Kylie got to torture the kitties and even Sidney got a handful of fur one time. One of the cats took a liking to Mike, no matter how much he picked on her! I guess she was pretty lonely for a day after we all left. :)
Kylie's new favorite pastime

Landis, Kylie & Josie playing in the back yard

Aunti Katie & Sidney. I have a VERY similar photo of Katie & Kylie when she was a baby. :)

Josie & Kylie painting away

Sidney getting up close & personal with Jackson
the girls with Great Grandma Norma & Great Grandpa Lyman

Sidney with Great Grandma Inez

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