Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Library hour

Every Wednesday the local library has a storytime for young children. We have been going ever since we moved to Worland. They bring in people to teach the kids about their jobs, or they just tell stories and sing songs. It is through the program that Kylie & I have made the majority of our friends. Kylie has even managed to get herself in the local  paper or on the library website from pictures taken during the program. She has a blast there!
This weeks stories were about groundhogs and then each of the kids got to make a groundhog.
Here are a few pics from her crafting time.

Preparing to glue on some teeth

Adding the whiskers

Kylie with her finished groundhog :)
For the life of me, I can't get this last picture to get bigger. The photo editor that pops up when you click on a picture seems to only appear for the first one or two pictures I add to a post. I will have to figure out how to remedy that. For now it will just drive me crazy! :)