Monday, January 25, 2016

January Recap

We haven't been up to much this past month.
Kylie had another cold, but at least it was a quick one this time. Then she gave it to me, and Sidney and now Mike is just starting to get over it.

Back in December, Sidney was pretty adamant that she didn't really care for dance class anymore. (This starting right after we ordered her costume for the ballet part of the recital.) But thankfully, after having a couple weeks off for Christmas break, and her helping me make her tap dance costume, she is back in love with it and it once again asking a couple times a week when the next dance class is.
Both of Kylie's costumes have come in, but Sidney is still waiting for her ballet costume. She is at least excited about her tap costume though. The girls had to pick out animal costumes, but Sidney didn't want any of the ones in the catalog. She was insisting on being a flamingo. :/ Sigh.
But I got it figured out and I got her costume made during break. It is super cute.

It looks a lot better when she is in her dance shoes instead of cowboy boots and her
hair is up in a bun with her pink feather hair tie, but you get the idea. :)

Otherwise this month, we have just been busy with school and dealing with Kylie's pets. :)
Sadly, her guppy passed away last week, but at least Kylie has 8 more baby guppies to keep her occupied. We buried Belle in the flower garden this past weekend in a little paper box Kylie made and I think that made Kylie feel a lot better. :)

We also got to go sledding a couple days ago. And the girls got to go the first weekend too. That was fun.

Here are a bunch of random pictures.

Sidney, still in her pajamas, but ready to go sledding.

Sledding out at a family friends house.

Kylie's mealworm turned into a beetle over Christmas
break, so she got to bring it home. - - It is still living in the bug barn, in her room.....

Everything was really frosty one morning!

Sidney and I got to the library too early one day, so we had to
wait in the Sidney practiced her driving skills.

Terra figured out how to get in the furnace room ceiling...... I couldn't
find her ANYwhere one day, and the furnace room was the last place
for me to look. Still couldn't find her, until she meowed and I looked up. Sigh.

Ember wanted to play Sneak Snacky Squirrel with Sidney and me one day.

Some of the treats Kylie has made with her Chocolate Pen
she got for Christmas.

On MLK day, the grade school kids joined the college and job corps kids
doing a march through part of town to the college, where they then listened to
a speaker and sang some Martin Luther King JR songs. Kylie is in the pink coat in the middle.

Mike joined her for the last little bit of the march, while I ran Sidney to dance class.
Then I went back and joined them for the speaker and songs before going to pick up Sidney.

Sidney during one of our weekly bounce house sessions.

A beautiful sunrise one morning that I actually woke up early enough for.

You can kind of see 5 of the 8 babies in there.

Out at a friends house on an early release from school day.
Got to play outside, have cocoa, help feed their goats and then we came back to town
to do some sledding. :)

The girls barely had to walk up the long hill. We took turns giving them piggy
back rides, back up.

Kylie letting her bug crawl around the bowl of food we mixed up for it.
(I think it enjoyed being out of the bug barn for a bit.) :)

And, Kylie learned to whistle yesterday! She is so excited and proud of herself! It is so cute!

We have a fun week coming up here. It's my birthday!! Then we are spending the weekend in Sioux Falls with both our sets of parents and a sibling or two. :) It'll be nice to see you guys!!

Hope your January is going well and you are surviving the winter!!!

New Years Eve

New Years Eve was quite low key. Per usual. But it was wonderful that way!

We spent the evening listening to the music channels on TV while Mike and I watched the girls dance like crazy around the room. :)
My pictures of them are all blurry, and I can't figure out how to get my cell phone videos to work on here, so I sadly don't have any pictures of their crazy dancing. :(

Both girls got some sparkling grape juice in a wine glass
and were SO excited about it. :)

I spent some time earlier that day making some "poppers" for the girls to do that night. It is just a toilet paper roll filled with confetti and rolled in tissue paper. Then I twisted the ends and taped around the paper. They just pulled the two ends and out popped all the confetti!
(I made them do it on a blanket, so I could just roll it all up and deal with it later!)

They had a blast doing it.

The confetti aftermath.

We watched the ball drop at 10:00 and then we let the girls do the poppers. And sent them to bed after that. Mike went to bed shortly after them I believe, and I was the only one left at midnight. :)
So I took a selfie by myself. :)

Happy New Year!

Cookies and Christmas!

We were a little behind in the cookie making this year, and ended up making them two days before Christmas, since Kylie got out of school early that day.

Sidney helped me mix some of the ingredients up.

Then Kylie got to get dirty and do the heavy mixing.

They cut out the first batch of cookies and then spent the
rest of the time decorating them while I kept bringing them more.

Can you find the cookie?! We had to keep reminding Sidney that
she doesn't need quite so many sprinkles. :)

And even though the lighting is horrible and all orange,
this picture and the next one are just cute!

Christmas was wonderful this year. We went to the Christmas Eve service and then came home and opened LOTS of presents from all our family. We finally convinced the girls to go to bed and then Christmas morning came and they got more goodies from Santa. Then we spent the day just hanging out together and eating LOTS of food. :) It was wonderful. :)

Even the kitties enjoyed Christmas Eve, all snuggled up together. :)

Santa brought Kylie a nerf bow and arrow. And she
couldn't have been more excited. :) She played with it
all day long!

Once Sidney finally woke up, they got to open
their stockings.

Sidney hugged pretty much everything that came out of the
stocking.....and every present she opened the night before too. :)

Watching A Christmas Story and eating
monkey bread and drinking cocoa for breakfast.

And still practicing. :)

Thank you to everyone who helped make the girls' Christmas so wonderful this year! Even though we didn't get to see anyone over the holiday, thank you for taking the time to get the girls gifts. They have been loving everthing! And we greatly appreciate you guys thinking of them.
I know it's already the end of January, but I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!