Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dance Classes

Ever since we moved, Kylie has been asking if she can do ballet. I finally figured out that there are a couple of options in town. At one place for her age range she would have to take the combo class. It was ballet/tap/gymnastics. She insisted that she only wanted to do ballet and nothing else.
So we went with the other location that offers ballet and tap separately for her age group. The instructor told me that she's never had a child only do one type of dance, but if she ends up not liking tap, that she was fine with Kylie just doing ballet.

Also talked to the instructor about Sidney doing just ballet.....ya know, since she has to do everything her big sister does. She has a preschool class that is for 3-5 year olds, and even though she won't be three til the end of the month she said Sidney can try it and see how she does, and if it just doesn't work out then maybe next year.

Well, classes started this past Monday and after trying tap, both girls like it. So. Sidney has ballet/tap class for an hour, then we pick up Kylie from school, get her ready for her hour long ballet/tap class, then we come home and get ready for soccer games. This past Monday was a test and now I got 2 more crazy Mondays this month to get through. But we can do it.

Classes will be interesting for Sidney I think since parents are only allowed to watch one class a month. Otherwise, you drop your kid off and leave. I don't think I've ever left Sidney anywhere yet, besides at home with her grandparents.......hmm.
I'm hoping that all the dancing is enough distraction for her to stay focused.

I tried to take pictures.....It is held in an old church with little to no lighting and it being dance class.....they wouldn't stop moving. This is the best I could get....

I didn't think I could, but I got all of Sidney's
little hair into a bun!



After Sidney's class I asked the instructor if she thought Sidney's age would be an issue, and she didn't even realize that Sidney wasn't three yet. (She's the tiniest one in this preschool class.) She said for not being 3 yet she is doing great! So that was encouraging. :)

There are 2 preschool classes, one on Monday and one Tuesday. I chose Monday since the instructor told me it'd be a smaller class....only 5 kids. I think that helps Sidney not get too distracted.

stretching.....neither of the girls are very
flexible...hopefully these classes help!
Kylie is 1 of about 15 in the K-1st grade class.

She ended up getting partnered up with the other little girl wearing
the same outfit during their tap practice.


Their instructor invited Sidney over to join them for the last activity of Kylie's class.
It was pretty cute.
So, now I'm a not just a soccer mom, I get to be a dance mom too. Classes are once a week for the whole school year and they have a recital in May. It should be pretty exciting. :)

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