Monday, August 10, 2015

WI - Vaca Visit

After we left the cities, we headed to WI. We got there Friday afternoon and had to leave Monday morning, but it was a nice visit. :)

Saturday was the grad party that was planned for Reiley, only Rick didn't know it was also a grad party for him since he just got his college degree! :)

It was a nice visit since we got to see SO much family, and I even got to meet some family I hadn't yet! It was a good time.

I took a ridiculous amount of pictures between my phone and here is a ridiculously large selection of them. :)


The girls got to watch the people set up the bouncy house and then
they were the first ones to test it out.
It was a big hit all weekend with all the kids!

dancing with Payton

Pestering cousins
The fire must have been a little hot. :)

My bed buddy in the camper we used. :)
Eating lunch at the party
The two grads!

Eating a Delicious Cake! - seriously - I ate multiple pieces. :)

I got a series of really cute pictures of Payton with her

Brad teaching Payton to throw a Frisbee. :)

Pouty pants since she wouldn't take a nap by herself....
thus.....this is the result of snuggling with momma
Throwing darts
Watching the softball game with great auntie Pam
Roasting Marshmallows!!


Going "Ka-Boom" was her favorite thing to do

Other than Sidney ruining this's a pretty good one.

Grandma Dorothy with her kids (note the photo of Doug)
with kids and spouses
Grandma & Grandpa with all their grandkids
That slide is SO much fun!
getting her close ups taken
Saying bye to Uncle Chris

Ka -
- Boom
What a cutie!
the technique used to pop the rock filled balloons -
put it in a bag and have the kids stomp them/sit on them
Discovering the joys of these delicious lemonades....
that I can't find out here!!! :(
Kylie waited all weekend to go for a ride in grandpa's car. :)
She was so excited!
We also went and visited the dairy farm down the road.


Had to snuggle the barn cats....
The stare down...

Also kicked the hay over for the moo cows.

Had a bath - then snuggled with grandpa, and stole all his chips. :)
Grandma snuggles after bath time.
It was a short but wonderful trip!
Rick and Carol and Grandma Dorothy should be here in a couple days.....I really should be cleaning and organizing the house, but I needed a break. So I thought I'd bombard you with pictures. :)
And I don't think they will mind if the house isn't perfect. :)
Mike will be home at some point tonight too! Kylie and Sidney are getting a little impatient! But he should be home soon! :) 

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