Monday, September 22, 2014

Camping Pics - Part 2

Side note - - We hired a secretary tonight!!! So once I get her all trained up, Sidney and I are free to our unscheduled life! The return of library story hour and playgroup is coming soon! :)

Here are the rest of the pics from our camping trip! :)
I didn't edit these either, but my camera did a good job on our trip.....I think most of them look pretty good.

Playing in the mud

one wet, and muddy pair of purple pants...

Pine Marten!!!

Took a break from chasing to climb up the cliff to the edge of the campsite!

Back to chasing the red squirrel - - squirrel is between middle and right tree
trunks. :)

Sometimes, I love my this time....

And this time....

And most definitely this time!

With it's kill :)

I'm so glad this happened behind our campsite and that the girls got
to see it all go down. It was the coolest thing ever. :)

Headed off with its supper!

kicking the soccer ball around

went for a walk

My popcorn!!!

everyone eating the yummy popcorn!


Sidney blowing on her marshmallow :)

Mallow roasting!

Eating cereal out of cups because mom didn't pack enough bowls. :)

Our chipmunk friend. :)

Took a walk down by the lake

Momma and baby duckies!

Checking out the lake


our site was up the creek and up the cliff to the left.
we could look down on this from our site.

I love big fluffy white clouds with blue sky

waiting patiently for Old Faithful to go 

Sidney was not patient....but thankfully it went off as the
two of us were headed back inside the lodge, so I turned around
and got to snap a couple pics of it. :)

This guy was walking alongside the road on our side, and
I was going to take some good pictures of him. But I only got this one
because as we got by him, I had to pull my camera in and shut the window
because he turned to face us and jumped up like he was going to ram the car!!
It was right by Sidney's window and she thought it was so funny. :)

More Bison

More big white fluffy clouds and blue sky!

And More....

Until Next Time....

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Camping Pictures - Part 1 & a mild, pathetic vent :)

Oh wow am I behind!
Ever since our church secretary left and I offered to fill in doing a few things until we get a new secretary, I've felt so out of my element. It is only 3-4 hours a morning, Tuesdays thru Fridays, but I feel so far behind on everything else! Normally, I can run errands and pick up the house in the morning, and then maybe finish the house and work out during Sidney's afternoon nap. Well, we go to the church by 9 and stay until at least 12, we get home and eat lunch, and then Sidney goes down for a 2 hour nap before I have to get her up to go pick up Kylie from school. We don't get to run errands until after school and during her nap I usually have to spend the two hours straightening house. So, not much gets done and I feel even more exhausted because I haven't worked out in about a month! (and it shows! ugh.)
I shouldn't really complain. It is only 3-4 hours a day, 4 days a week, but it was an unexpected job, that isn't really a career path that I enjoy. I think that is why it is dragging me down a little. And why I get nothing really accomplished anymore.....BUT we are interviewing someone tomorrow night for the secretary position and I hope it goes well and that they want the job!! :) are the pictures from our camping trip.....Three weeks ago.

Not edited at all.....sorry. I was waiting to put them up because I wanted to figure out how to put a watermark on some of them. But I've given up on that idea.......
Hope they were worth the wait!

The camping trip was.......very cold, very wet, quite muddy, each fire we made proved difficult to get started, and we were each a little bit on the whiny side due to the previous statements.....but it was also FUN!
And super exciting for the girls! We saw lots of elk, even from our campsite and got to fall asleep to them bugeling and to a group of coyotes howling. We saw plenty of bison, and red squirrels, and a little chipmunk friend and the so cool pine marten. When asked, Kylie says her favorite part of the trip was when the marten chased and ate the squirrel.....that's my girl!
We made popcorn over a fire, tried roasted rolo marshmallows and roasted starbursts! We all snuggled in our tent and stayed quite warm under all the blankets we brought! And we got to see some awesome sights while we explored the park. We found a couple of roads we've never taken and saw some new sights. And Kylie brought a disposable camera along and got to take some of her own pictures, (that I've neglected to get developed still) and watching her find things to take photos of was so fun. :)
If I could redo the trip, I would.....rain and all. Just pack a few more clothes and rain gear next time....and bring our own dry firewood! :)

In our 2.5 years in WY, I had never seen the herd of wild horses up by Cody....
until we were headed to Yellowstone. They were very far away, but I still
finally saw them! And again on the day we drove back home!

Sidney sleeping through the incredibly loud pounding sleet/snow/rain
mixture when we got to the park.

BISON! Who, once we drove past it, was chased down the road behind
us by a park ranger vehicle.....those guys can run fast!

The light green blob in the middle of the picture is Kylie. We sent her
off to get some dry pine needles from under a log by our campsite....
she was mildly terrified to go alone, but was a big girl and seemed
quite proud of herself when she brought Mike a handful of dry needles. :)

I am SOOOO glad I went and bought this the week before our trip....It was
 a lifesaver! And even nicer when we blocked off two sides with a tarp!

A red squirrel friend.

Watching our red squirrel friend. :)


Roasted rolo/ wasn't too bad.....Kylie liked
this between her graham crackers as her smore

Warming their hands over the stove heat. :)

headed off to take her own picture

Kylie taking another picture. :)

Cute picture!

She's so cute!

Two cute tourists!

Norris geyser basin

listening to a ranger give a talk about fires and what
to do if caught in a fire and talked about fire shelters....
I could tell Mike wanted to correct him on
multiple things. :)
But only did once, as we were leaving. :)

Lunch break at a lodge.

Yellowstone river

Ice cream break on the way back to our campsite

More pictures to be posted tomorrow!
I'm tired and headed to bed! Gotta get my
munchkin up for school tomorrow!
Good night!