Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kylie's Last Soccer Game

Kylie had her last soccer game last week. It was against the purple team. She was so excited because one of her friends, Paxton, was on the team.

Her and Paxton can totally get along, but at times they do like to compete against each other nonstop.

Tuesday's game was no exception. At one point Kylie totally knocked him to the ground and held him there.....sigh. I had to explain to her that you can't be quite that physical during soccer. :)

Kylie's team totally got their butts kicked again. But oh well. She still seems like she wants to play next year!

Here are a few pictures I took. I didn't get as many this game because Sidney was running around like crazy and Mike had to be up in Cody doing his ambulance ride-a-long for his EMT class.

After the game the family that was suppose to bring snacks forgot to bring them so the coach took all the kids to the shaved ice place in town and got each of the kids an ice. That was very nice of him. They all appreciated it!

Can't wait til next spring!!

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