Thursday, June 19, 2014

Father's Day Camping

Last weekend was most likely Mike's last two day weekend for the summer. We took advantage of it and went camping Saturday night.  
The weather was going to be snow and rain and freezing cold to the north of us, and on the mountain. That sort of limited us to just camping south of us down in the Wind River canyon. The chance of rain/storms was only 20% down there so we figured we should be safe. We weren't. :)  
It was kinda cold all day Saturday and we had to hide in the tent twice. Once for a rain shower and then again during supper for a rain/sleet shower. It was also really windy. Mike and Kylie had to run to a nearby town to buy some firewood because what we brought was not going to cut it!  
But we toughed out the afternoon/evening and by 7pm it got pretty nice out. The night wasn't too cold and Sunday was beautiful. It was nice to get out of town and enjoy the four of us together. 
Kylie also got to attempt to fish down on the river a couple of times. They didn't catch anything. She still had fun though. :)

Here are pictures from our weekend fun. :)

The trains came through a few different times while we were there. The girls loved them! 

Kylie chopped up some wood and they were caching it in the box for later.
Sidney enjoyed playing under the table with all the rocks and sticks.  

A very weak rainbow that tried very hard to show its self.
 Yum! Marshmellow!
 Yum! Smores!
So Yummy!
Cutie pies!
 Daddy snuggles!
 Hot Cocoa!
 More Cuties! :)
 Strawberry snack!
 Morning snuggles with Daddy!
 Sunday morning French toast and bacon!
 Not sure where the purple came from, but a cute picture!
 Fishing with dad!
 Sidney kept wanting to check on Kylie and daddy down by the river. :)
 The Wind River

Dinosaur Museum

Last Saturday morning before we went to a campground we stopped in Thermopolis and checked out the dinosaur museum. It was a little cooler than I though it would be. Not very big, but neat anyways. Kylie loved the huge skeletons in the back. They had an entire brontosaurus across the entire building. They also had windows to the room where they clean up any new fossils they find. You can also take tours of the dinosaur dig locations, but we didn't do that. :)

I only had my phone for the museum, but here are some pictures from that quick stop.

Look! A dinosaur!

Checking out the family tree of dinosaurs


Hands on learning. :)

The head and neck of a REALLY big dinosaur!

The rest of him!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kylie's Last Soccer Game

Kylie had her last soccer game last week. It was against the purple team. She was so excited because one of her friends, Paxton, was on the team.

Her and Paxton can totally get along, but at times they do like to compete against each other nonstop.

Tuesday's game was no exception. At one point Kylie totally knocked him to the ground and held him there.....sigh. I had to explain to her that you can't be quite that physical during soccer. :)

Kylie's team totally got their butts kicked again. But oh well. She still seems like she wants to play next year!

Here are a few pictures I took. I didn't get as many this game because Sidney was running around like crazy and Mike had to be up in Cody doing his ambulance ride-a-long for his EMT class.

After the game the family that was suppose to bring snacks forgot to bring them so the coach took all the kids to the shaved ice place in town and got each of the kids an ice. That was very nice of him. They all appreciated it!

Can't wait til next spring!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Memoral Day Hike

We tried to get out of the house on Memorial Day since Mike only has one more free weekend left for awhile.

We headed over to a state archeology site that is connected to a wilderness area about 45 min from here. We thought there was a hiking trail, but it turned out to be a pretty short educational trail, so we turned off that and just walked down the road that goes into the elk wilderness area. T

That was also short lived. It was too hot for Kylie and Sidney refused to walk at all. I guess you could say that thankfully the river was high and had flooded the road at one point so we couldn't go any farther and we had to go back. :)

Sidney was either being carried, or sitting in the road playing with the dirt...sigh

checking out the mud!

She loved sticking her head out through the mommy
a heart attack every few seconds. :)

looking at an interpretive sign
Afterwards, we drove over to one of the campsites and had a picnic lunch and we let the girls get their feet wet in the cold mountain water. :) 

every picture I took ended up having them both chewing.
Every Picture.  - - I love it.

Mom...this is cold!

they are all eyeing up the dog getting walked down the road....

What a good looking bunch :)

When we got home we filled up the pool so they could cool off a little more.....Sidney didn't want to wait for her swimsuit....she hopped right in and pointed the hose right at herself. :)