Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Giddy Up

A couple of days ago Sidney got real into the stick horses. Kylie added her cowgirl hat to Sidney's head and we taught her the phrase "giddy up". Sidney then proceeded to run around the house saying "gi up, gi up". It was fabulous. Of course, I tried getting video of it, and failed. All 4 times I attempted. But what I got is still mildly funny.
Enjoy. :)

At the end of this first video, you can kinda tell her attempting her fast paced "gi up, gi up".
I love in this video that she says absolutely nothing, just me attempting to
 get her to say something....but she figured out
how to keep the horse between her legs!

A Couple of Sickos and a Weekly Update

Mike has had one serious cold the last few days that seems to be kicking his butt, poor guy. Sidney caught it and was miserable yesterday. There was a whole lot of couch snuggling with that girl. She then proceeded to make last night miserable for me, after the 5th time getting up with her, the two of us hit the couch and spent the rest of the night there. She didn't nap much today leading to one extremely over tired little girl tonight, who is so far fighting sleep with every ounce of effort she has left. I am really hoping she will give in soon. I really think she would feel tons better by tomorrow if she would just get some sleep.
my sleeping sickos.
Kylie and I have managed to not catch it, yet. I am truly hoping that we can avoid it. I was sick last year around superbowl time, and am hoping it is not going to be a new yearly tradition!

I taught school last week and Kylie greatly enjoyed having her friends over. We are learning about goals right now and about order and keeping things picked up and put away. I think the second part hasn't really clicked yet, as the play room and living room are still always littered with toys. *sigh* One day the place will stay clean....one day. Until then....Oh Well. :)

Library hour is a challenge now. Sidney has discovered that she can escape the room quite easily to go out to the children's area and play so I have to chase her around a lot. She also likes to pull books off the shelves. Ugh. So annoying.
They are starting a health series now though which should be fun. Every other week starting next week they are getting a visit from one of the following: a dentist, a nurse, a doctor and an eye doctor. I think the kids are really going to love it.

Something seemed to like our bird feeders. It completely stole mine. Kylie's hasn't been touched, but mine straight up disappeared. Hmmm...

The sky has been amazing out here this past week. Such beautiful colors. And the deer running around the house has been awesome as well. Both girls love watching them.

I found this cool little creation where the water drips
off the end of our gutter.

Sidney is quite the chatterbox and has developed her own little version of the Ewok language. It is pretty cute when she gets on a roll and won't stop "talking". She is growing up so much! Watching her open books and start chattering like she is reading the book is just priceless. She throws away garbage, she loves to put her empty cups in the sink and watching her "brush" her teeth is just fun. I was just thinking the other day..."Oh man, she is going to be TWO this year!" And my big little girl is going to start school this fall.....Where has all this time gone?!

Kylie is finally the size of the giant bear she won 2.5 years ago
Cowgirl Sidney

Kylie's napping fort

And lo and behold....she actually fell asleep and
took a nap in it!
(that was a pleasant afternoon!)

I've been trying to get video of the girls to try to upload, but every time I actually start the camera, they stop doing what they were doing. But I am trying!

Hope all has been going well with all of you! Take care!

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Couple Weeks In Review

After New Years day, things have pretty much gone back to normal around here. Mike is working, teaching classes for the VFDs and taking classes in CO and down in Riverton this month. So he is going to be here on and off.

Kylie is back to me running her around town for activities. Joy School on Tuesday and Friday, library on Wednesday and playgroup on Thursday. She is loving being with her friends again, but during our two month vaca I managed to forget what it takes to run into town all the time with the two of them. I mean, it is only a couple of miles into town, but it still manages to be a lot of effort to get them both ready and to town.

Today I made toilet paper roll bird feeders with Kylie, so she enjoyed some one on one time while Sidney napped. Tomorrow I teach Joy School, so we spent the night cleaning out the toy room and making space for 5 kids to play. Yikes.

Not much for exciting stuff. Here are a few pictures of the randomness of our last couple of weeks.

Kylie taking menu orders from all of her "sick"
doll patients

The orders up in her kitchen so she can make them all lunch

Some visitors we had one night
Our very very cold door.....
The whole door was covered in frost too.

Sidney having some tomato soup via a
straw and a cup.....she did not approve of it!

Rolling the tube in bird seed

our finished tubes

taking it outside

hanging in the bush

waiting for the birdies....
we put it on a bush right outside our living room windows so
she can keep an eye on them and see if anything comes!