Monday, June 20, 2016

Mattmiller Vaca -South Dakota Tour - Part 3

The last thing we did was visit Reptile Gardens. It was very cool. They had lots of interesting species there.
They also do 3 different types of shows, a gator show, a bird show and a snake show. The first time we went we only did the gator show. You could easily spend almost a whole day there between looking at all the animals, watching all three shows and eating lunch there. they have the shows staggered through out the day so that you are able to catch all of them. We chose to see the gator show and then just look at everything else before we headed home. We were given season passes when we purchased our tickets, so the girls and I have already been back once and we will hopefully get to go a couple more times before they close for the season.

Gator Wrestling

We're watching you.....

Giving Fluffy a pet

petting a python

they have beautiful plants all over the place too

This is Paco a Nandy Conure

Here is Bubba, a Military Macaw

a ball python

Lin-Lin, another Military Macaw

Ruby, a Green Winged Macaw

Riga, a female Eurasian Eagle Owl

one of the hundreds of snake species they have there

another cool green snake...

watching the iguanas

Maniac....their biggest crocodile

a Giant Monkey Waxy Frog......
I kid you not....that is what it is called.

a couple of Spurred Tortoises

giving a scratch to a giant tortoise

scratching another giant tortoise

and yet another giant tortoise
I'm pretty sure Kylie could have stayed in the giant tortoise
exhibit the whole time.

It was pretty neat to watch them walk around though.

For some reason, they had a prairie dog exhibit....
But they had this little bubble in the middle of the enclosure for
people to look through and get an eye level of the prairie dogs...
Sidney thought it was pretty sweet.

Kylie, one on one, with a prairie dog

Both girls thought the playground area was fun.

Our little vacation was awesome and we had a great time with Rick and Carol. We were so glad they were able to come out for a week to hang out with us and do some sight seeing with us.

Summer started off with a bang and then was pretty low key. We have found plenty to keep us mostly busy. And I will get going on a couple more posts to catch up to present time!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far!!

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