Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spring Music Program

Last night was the 1st and 2nd grade spring music program. It was adorable!

The first graders did a song/skit rendition of The Little Red Hen. And Kylie was the Little Red Hen!
When we found out a few weeks ago that she was that part, I was really surprised. One day when Sidney and I went to have lunch with Kylie, her music teacher caught me in the hallway and told me about how good Kylie is and how confident she is up front practicing her parts.

I'll be honest.....I was even more surprised she said that. My shy little Kylie? Confident and the lead in their skit? I am SO GLAD that Kylie has broken out of her little shy shell. (Mostly)  :)
She is becoming an awesome little lady!

Kylie did awesome!! I could tell she was a little nervous at first, but she totally rocked it. She had one little oops towards the end, but it was an adorable oops!
She did SO great!!

I totally....have horrible photos. I feel horrible about it. I was using the camera to video record the program, so I only used my phone to take pictures.....and they suck. I'm sorry.

I'll try to upload a video of part of the program at some point. It is going to take forever to upload to youtube though, so be patient. :)


Now that her important speaking role is over, Kylie has some dental work coming up.

Kylie's baby teeth don't seem to want to leave. Her bottom two front adult teeth came in. BEHIND her baby teeth. So they are already crooked since they have no where to be. :(

Her x-ray also showed that her top front 4 adult teeth are ready to come out and are sitting right at the gum line. BUT the roots show no sign whatsoever of reabsorbing and getting ready to fall out.
Nothing looks good. :(
She has so much space between her baby teeth, so if her baby teeth would just get out of the way her adult teeth could come in just fine.
Her dentist recommended that she get her front bottom two out most definitely so that "hopefully" her adult two straighten out. Also the top front two need to come out for sure so that her adults can come in straight. Once those are out, if he can see better and deems it necessary, he will take out two more. The ones on either side of the top front two.

SO....on Friday Kylie will be getting 4 to 6 teeth pulled out. :( That poor girl. I really hope the rest of her baby teeth get on the ball and fall out when appropriate. The only good news from her x-ray was that she has all her adult teeth and isn't missing any like her mother is. :)

I've already planned on having her favorite green smoothie ready for her for lunch. And she has already requested a trip to Donald's for a shake later that day too.

I'm sure she won't enjoy the procedure, but I'm also sure she will do fine!

Send happy thoughts our way Friday morning!!

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