Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Valentine's Day Weekend

Mike got home a couple Fridays ago after being in Denver for a week. He asked the girls what they wanted to do for the weekend and after some debating, we decided to drive up to Rapid City. We took the longerish way and drove through Wind Cave, Custer State Park and Hill City. It was a really nice day so we got to enjoy the scenery and Kylie developed a new love for prairie dogs. :)

We stopped at the mall for a little bit then went to the hotel.

We had thought we would do dinner and a movie, but dinner took just a smidge too long, so we ended up going to Chuck E Cheese after dinner so the girls could play some games. Kylie has been asking to go there for almost 2 years...... Chuck E Cheese and Disneyworld. Hopefully eventually she can get to that second place too. :)

We all got dressed up fancy and were headed out to the steakhouse when a sudden rain storm came through and it POURED! And don't forget the insane wind creating some horizontal rain. :)

Supper was absolutely delicious and was a wonderful time.
Sidney didn't really get to eat much supper.....she fell asleep in my lap. It was fabulous. :)

After we left supper and had some fun at Chuck E Cheese, the girls got to play in the pool for a little bit.

We went to bed late and slept in. Had breakfast and then spent 2 hours wandering around Menards looking at all the fabulous things we would love to get during the process of fixing up our house....
Next couple big projects: finishing garage (inside walls) and then re-wiring the house.
We'd also love to put in a real sidewalk from the garage to the house this summer too. And not to mention the dozen other little things we'd love to update in the house. :)

Here are some pictures to make reading this worth while. :)

Prairie dogs.....just cause they are cute.

fell fast asleep in my lap. my sweet little baby.

working on the city word scramble in the kids menu

family pic back at the hotel

a couple of cuties warming up in the hot tub

Mike got back home today after being back down in Denver for another week and a half. Hoping he gets to stay around home for a few days before they start doing prescribed burning down south.
I'm glad he came home today though because I needed help fixing things! The garage door went crazy on me and wouldn't open this morning. Had to climb a ladder so I was tall enough to open it manually far enough to get the car out of the garage.
And a lightbulb exploded in the bathroom this morning too. I've never had one explode before. It scared the heck out of me. It sounded like someone shot out the window! Thankfully it was all contained behind the light fixture, but I can't reach them without bringing in the big ladder from outside, but thankfully Mike is taller than me and fixed it. :)

I'm really hoping nothing else breaks when he is gone next!

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