Thursday, July 30, 2015

Fourth of July Festivities

Fireworks are sold in Chadron from June 26th to July 4th. Every single night we were able to listen to quite the bombarding of sounds. And there are no regulations for town other than stop by 11 or something. So anything went in town. And everyone (besides us) made sure they bought all the giant bright exploding ones. Our friendly college boy neighbors even had roman candles war next door and managed to bounce one off our house.......they are really lucky they didn't do it again because I think Mike really wanted to tell them what's what. :)

Anyways....that last weekend in June we went and bought some stuff to do with the girls since Mike was kinda guessing that he would be gone for the 4th and would miss it.

So here are some pictures from our fun with Mike.

Sidney thought the snakes were SO cool.


I loved her excitement over them!

One of the monkeys riding a bus or something like that....(it rolled and shot
off sparks) took a wrong turn and ran into the wood step/door frame.
Go figure that we would try to burn down our 1st house. :)
Everything was fine....don't worry. We had a bucket of water available. :)

Trying to pull the confetti shooters....

Sidney ended up needing one of us to hold the container as she pulled the string.

Sidney also LOVED the sparklers.

Kylie liked them too, but wasn't as into it as Sidney was, but
she still gave me a smile when asked for one. :)

We taught Sidney how to move her arm around and spell things.
As well as she can "spell" things.

We also picked up a few of the ones that just emit showers of sparks.

Day 2 of fun with dad!!!
More snakes!

Smoke bombs are always a big hit.

spark shooting rooster

More sparklers....
I think I have like 6 boxes left!




Mike ended up leaving the 29th of June for 2 weeks, so it was a good thing we had some fun with him. On the 4th, the girls and I just hung out and then we went to a little potluck bbq with some of his co-workers just east of town. Kylie made a new immediate friend with a teenager, and then at the end of the night another little girl came for a little bit. So the girls had fun. They also got to set off more fireworks so that helped. :)
Here are photos from the 3rd and the 4th of July.
Nothing like eating an ice cream cone on the deck after playing in the pool
and your mom taking a horribly weird photo of you. :)

Ditto to above caption. :)

I guess I'll add a photo of me....I was there 4th of July weekend too.

More smoke bombs

And more sparklers


Sidney really got into them



The giant gorilla at the firework tent....they wouldn't
get any closer. :)

all decked out with red, white & blue nails
helping me make dessert for the bbq

my yummy cheesecake
The best I could get from her that night. :)


A storm rolling in


my sad attempts with my phone to capture the lightning....
at least you can kinda see the clouds lit up.

We got home just after 10, and after I got the girls tucked in, this is what I got to listen to the rest of the night! - Not a lot to see - just lots to hear!
It was a good weekend. Just too bad Mike couldn't be there too.
Hope you all had a good 4th!
 (And a good July for that matter! I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of July!!)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Father's Day Weekend 2015

Well, since July is almost over I figured I better get around to update some stuff from last month too. :)

Over Father's Day weekend my parents came out to visit and see our new place. We did a small amount of sight seeing, but mostly just hung out and relaxed. It was nice to just relax after a couple of weeks of working to get the house livable. :)

I've also included a few random pictures from the first week or so of being in Chadron on top of the pictures from my parent's visit. Enjoy!

What our living room (above) and dining room (below) looked like
during packing days....

all the girl's toys

Following Mike and the girls....
I greatly enjoyed a few hours of silence. :)

went for a little hike by the state park while we were stuck at the hotel and
needed to pass lots of time

The view - - I think this was the 2012 fire aftermath....but don't quote me.

The storms that roll by Chadron are amazing.
We haven't gotten anything too crazy yet. Most of them dissipate
as they get here, or go just around us. We get some pretty sweet lightning shows
every now and then and amazing clouds!

water balloons!

it totally fell out of her hand and broke by her feet.
If you notice the giant puddle she is standing in, you
will understand the amount of rain that the area had just had
since a little bit of splash pad water couldn't even soak into the ground!

drying off with grandpa.

"Hey Kylie, Smile for me!" ----so I get model pose....of course

hanging out on the deck

sassy pants Sidney who needs a bigger suit!
(what tub has those!?)

With a couple grandkids. :)

Dad and daughters on Father's Day

Family shot

Me and my daddy on Father's day

Mike, Me and our house.

Swinging with grandma

taking a walk

throwing those "snaps"
The girls loved them.

Sidney also loved stopping on them when they didn't
go off right away! :)
- And despite the flip-flops we had no accidents with the snaps!

Eating an ice cream cone with grandpa

giving grandma a hair cut

Kylie and her bear helping grandpa stretch his shoulder

Coloring time. :)

Story time :)

watching Kylie trying to husk corn was
quite amusing.

Took grandpa & grandma sightseeing too at and around
the state park.

Look! She's floating! :)

Swinging high with grandpa

Bubble Time!

Kylie reading to grandma

Showing grandpa how to use the marble-run
Kylie made a few nights before at the library.

It was a nice few days with my folks and of course it flew by too quickly. Can't wait til they can come visit again or we get back to Hibbing. :)