Monday, May 18, 2015

Puddle Jumping

Another good storm came through this past Friday and we got a good chunk of rain with it.
That evening, even though it was still sprinkling, the girls asked to go out and jump in the puddles. And having no real good excuse as to why they couldn't, we got bundled up and went and splashed in the cold water.
Sidney had a hard time keeping her pants tucked in and was soaked half way up her thighs by the time we were done. Kylie got pretty wet too, because neither of them realized just how deep a couple of the puddles were.

And yes, they were playing in the street gutters, and yes I had them get out and on the sidewalk every time a vehicle came by. :)

Sidney would look anywhere besides at the camera. :)

I love the progression of the next three photos. :)

getting courage to jump in.
-she never did-

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