Monday, August 4, 2014

Duluth with Grandma and Grandpa Mattmiller

We spent a couple of days in Duluth where we met up with Rick and Carol and got spoiled by them. :) It was fun! We went to the Great Lakes Aquarium, the Lake Superior Zoo and just hung out in the hotel pool. We also visited Canal Park and saw a light house and the lift bridge in action!

SOOO many pictures! I took SO many and had a hard time narrowing it down!

Walking the lake front to the aquarium

The lift bridge

Shoulder rides with Grandpa Rick

My little Kylie-otter

And a Sidney-otter too!

Check out the cool Chambered Nautilus

Sidney loved that globe - it spins!

Looking at this close up!

Steering the ship!

Kylie loved this tank

Kylie loved that black and white fish in the middle!


Sting Ray!

A peacock friend at the zoo

Prairie Dog! It had been awhile since we'd seen one!

Quite the wing span!

Kookaburra - - always reminds me of the Kookaburra song. :)

Group shot!
Playing by Lake Superior before we ate supper


Grandma's Famous Marathon Spaghetti!!

Coloring with grandma
The rain that came through during dinner

Headed out to see the lighthouse after supper



A coast guard boat that was headed out to the lake with lights flashing and

Saw the bridge go up and down for the coast guard boat

cute photo op

Running through random water spouts getting soaking wet.
Best way to end the night. :)

walking on the stepping stones with Grandma Carol

More coloring at breakfast time.....this may have happened at every meal.....:)

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