Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Memoral Day Hike

We tried to get out of the house on Memorial Day since Mike only has one more free weekend left for awhile.

We headed over to a state archeology site that is connected to a wilderness area about 45 min from here. We thought there was a hiking trail, but it turned out to be a pretty short educational trail, so we turned off that and just walked down the road that goes into the elk wilderness area. T

That was also short lived. It was too hot for Kylie and Sidney refused to walk at all. I guess you could say that thankfully the river was high and had flooded the road at one point so we couldn't go any farther and we had to go back. :)

Sidney was either being carried, or sitting in the road playing with the dirt...sigh

checking out the mud!

She loved sticking her head out through the mommy
a heart attack every few seconds. :)

looking at an interpretive sign
Afterwards, we drove over to one of the campsites and had a picnic lunch and we let the girls get their feet wet in the cold mountain water. :) 

every picture I took ended up having them both chewing.
Every Picture.  - - I love it.

Mom...this is cold!

they are all eyeing up the dog getting walked down the road....

What a good looking bunch :)

When we got home we filled up the pool so they could cool off a little more.....Sidney didn't want to wait for her swimsuit....she hopped right in and pointed the hose right at herself. :)

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