Sunday, March 30, 2014

The End of the Farm House

Most of you know by now that we found a new place to rent. We were told that our house was under contract and we were going to more than likely have to move once it was sold. So we started digging around for a new place to live. The couple of places we first found, weren't even really worth looking at the inside, but our property manager had another house that was going to be available soon for us to look at. Once we looked at the new house, she told us that our current house was no longer under contract and it wasn't as pressing for us to move out.

That drove me nuts. Now we had to decide whether we move to the new bigger house now, while a decent house was available, or do we stay out in the nice country with no neighbors in our tiny house.

Well, we chose to move. And I can tell already after just moving some stuff in this weekend and spending some time there is going to be much louder in town. BUT...we are moving from our single story, 2 bedroom itty bitty 800 square feet, bug infested home, to a 2100 square feet, finished basement, 2 bath, 4 bedroom home, that is also walking distance to a park and to the elementary school Kylie will attend this fall.
I am sure going to miss the cows, deer, pheasants and other wildlife, and the mountain views, but I am Really going to love the space. We just get on top of each other way too much here. We will also be so much closer to all of our friends, and even walking distance to a couple of stores. So even though all this packing and moving is a pain in the butt, I am sure it will be worth it.

Looking forward to both my parents and Mike's parents are getting here Thursday night and staying for a few days to help us move the big stuff. I can't wait to see them all and I know the girls are super psyched as well!

On another note....I didn't really take any pictures this month with the camera but a decent amount with my phone, so here are a few of what I have.

Mike and his ladies cuddling on the couch

our little sleepy beauty
The beautiful flowers Mike got me back on our anniversary. :)
Can you believe it has been six years already?

Green eggs and ham and green pancakes for breakfast
on St. Patrick's Day!

Sidney making a fruit loop rainbow bracelet at
library hour a couple weeks ago...

Sidney eating her fruit loop bracelet... :)

Kylie working on hers
All done! She was so proud that she actually made rainbows
on her bracelet, when everyone else just randomly threw the
fruit loops on.....silly girl. :)

Kylie and a giant tumble weed one day after church.

Sidney refused to get any closer to it. :)

I felt inclined to take a selfie for some reason
while I was painting the dining nook....maybe
as proof that I did the painting. :)

Getting a foot massage from my girlies. :)
Eating yogurt with your fingers is the best way to go!

"Let me just lick my arm off here."


"Let's see if I can get any more out of this cup!"
Hope everyone has had a wonderful March. Only one day left. Looking forward to April and what that will bring!!

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