Sunday, March 30, 2014

The End of the Farm House

Most of you know by now that we found a new place to rent. We were told that our house was under contract and we were going to more than likely have to move once it was sold. So we started digging around for a new place to live. The couple of places we first found, weren't even really worth looking at the inside, but our property manager had another house that was going to be available soon for us to look at. Once we looked at the new house, she told us that our current house was no longer under contract and it wasn't as pressing for us to move out.

That drove me nuts. Now we had to decide whether we move to the new bigger house now, while a decent house was available, or do we stay out in the nice country with no neighbors in our tiny house.

Well, we chose to move. And I can tell already after just moving some stuff in this weekend and spending some time there is going to be much louder in town. BUT...we are moving from our single story, 2 bedroom itty bitty 800 square feet, bug infested home, to a 2100 square feet, finished basement, 2 bath, 4 bedroom home, that is also walking distance to a park and to the elementary school Kylie will attend this fall.
I am sure going to miss the cows, deer, pheasants and other wildlife, and the mountain views, but I am Really going to love the space. We just get on top of each other way too much here. We will also be so much closer to all of our friends, and even walking distance to a couple of stores. So even though all this packing and moving is a pain in the butt, I am sure it will be worth it.

Looking forward to both my parents and Mike's parents are getting here Thursday night and staying for a few days to help us move the big stuff. I can't wait to see them all and I know the girls are super psyched as well!

On another note....I didn't really take any pictures this month with the camera but a decent amount with my phone, so here are a few of what I have.

Mike and his ladies cuddling on the couch

our little sleepy beauty
The beautiful flowers Mike got me back on our anniversary. :)
Can you believe it has been six years already?

Green eggs and ham and green pancakes for breakfast
on St. Patrick's Day!

Sidney making a fruit loop rainbow bracelet at
library hour a couple weeks ago...

Sidney eating her fruit loop bracelet... :)

Kylie working on hers
All done! She was so proud that she actually made rainbows
on her bracelet, when everyone else just randomly threw the
fruit loops on.....silly girl. :)

Kylie and a giant tumble weed one day after church.

Sidney refused to get any closer to it. :)

I felt inclined to take a selfie for some reason
while I was painting the dining nook....maybe
as proof that I did the painting. :)

Getting a foot massage from my girlies. :)
Eating yogurt with your fingers is the best way to go!

"Let me just lick my arm off here."


"Let's see if I can get any more out of this cup!"
Hope everyone has had a wonderful March. Only one day left. Looking forward to April and what that will bring!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Finally some Warmth!

Last week it got into the 50's. It was SOO nice. So a couple of days after Mike's surgery I took advantage of the warmth and got the girls out of the house to let Mike rest. We went for a walk on the bike path and it went sorta well. Kylie brought her scooter along, but only used it half the time.
Then she got sooo tired, she rode in the stroller while I gave Sidney a ride on my shoulders. That didn't last long! Mom got tired!

Scoot scoot scootering

Pushing her little sister

Looking at some moo-moos

Melts my heart when they are so nice to each other...

Love this pic!

Today at the end of Joy School I took the kids outside to play since it was already pretty nice out. Then the girls and I stayed outside for another 45 min and played before lunch. Sidney is now napping and I anticipate that it is going to be a good one!

Sandbox fun!

We went and checked on the cows too.

Two little babies. I didn't want to get any closer.
There was a very sensitive momma in there! :)
We saw a calf that must have been born in the night or early this morning as well. The little one was all wobbly when it was trying to stand up. SO cute!

The Last Big Snow

The first weekend of March was our big snow "storm". We got a good bit of snow and since it was the suppose to hopefully be the last bit of snow I figured I better get the girls out and play in it.
They had a blast.

Swinging fun

Kylie's snow angel

Sliding fun


Getting dragged around by Kylie

"Momma! Come save me!"
That night, Sidney fell face first onto her ice cream cone.
It hit her right in her right eye.
I felt bad, but it was kinda funny. She looked like she had a
black eye for a couple of days. :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Feb. Catch-Up : Videos 2

And some more random videos of Sidney. In the one, you will see why we have recently abandoned the high chair for a booster seat that has a buckle.... :)

Hopefully you aren't too annoyed with all of these videos.  I know some of them aren't too exciting. :)


Sidney - 17 Months

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That was Sidney's first blog post. :)

She is so crazy busy! I can not believe how active this little lady is. Kylie was never as curious and INTO things as she is. I feel like we are constantly stopping her from doing things. Hopefully she will eventually learn!

She finally got a new tooth. She now has three bottom front teeth. She looks so cute! She is up to 22.8 pounds and is hanging in there at about 31 3/4 inches still.

She is so vocal and inquisitive and just straight up crazy. She loves to play! Running back and forth through the house either chasing or being chased by Kylie, is a favorite pastime of hers.

Her vocab is slowly starting to increase. She has started saying 'thank-you" and "bowl". She has also started signing "get dressed", "thank-you", "please",  and "cat". Putting her at 11 signs and 12 words she can say. She can sign and say "thank-you" and "baby", so she has a 21 word vocabulary. :)

Not much else this month. Except for she has been super sick twice now. Hoping to get over that soon!

She refused to cooperate for me today to get a picture of her, so these were the best I could get from her. :)



What a cutie patootie!

February Catch-Up : Videos

Here are a bunch of random videos from this past month. :)


February Catch-Up : Pictures

The last month has been rough on all of us. We have all been sick and I am really hoping that the 40 degree temps that are suppose to come next week will be the start of us all being healthy. I'm not sure if I can take much more of us being sick and cooped up in this little house!

Here are just some random pictures from this past month. :)

Pretty sky

playing under the table

Valentine's morning chocolate. :)

Her first real bowl of cereal.

And her first real craft time.....soap bubble paintings

She was only mildly impressed...

making butter during Joy School

The kids biscuits and butter they was a delicious snack!

Her Noah's Ark craft.