Monday, January 13, 2014

A Couple Weeks In Review

After New Years day, things have pretty much gone back to normal around here. Mike is working, teaching classes for the VFDs and taking classes in CO and down in Riverton this month. So he is going to be here on and off.

Kylie is back to me running her around town for activities. Joy School on Tuesday and Friday, library on Wednesday and playgroup on Thursday. She is loving being with her friends again, but during our two month vaca I managed to forget what it takes to run into town all the time with the two of them. I mean, it is only a couple of miles into town, but it still manages to be a lot of effort to get them both ready and to town.

Today I made toilet paper roll bird feeders with Kylie, so she enjoyed some one on one time while Sidney napped. Tomorrow I teach Joy School, so we spent the night cleaning out the toy room and making space for 5 kids to play. Yikes.

Not much for exciting stuff. Here are a few pictures of the randomness of our last couple of weeks.

Kylie taking menu orders from all of her "sick"
doll patients

The orders up in her kitchen so she can make them all lunch

Some visitors we had one night
Our very very cold door.....
The whole door was covered in frost too.

Sidney having some tomato soup via a
straw and a cup.....she did not approve of it!

Rolling the tube in bird seed

our finished tubes

taking it outside

hanging in the bush

waiting for the birdies....
we put it on a bush right outside our living room windows so
she can keep an eye on them and see if anything comes!

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