Tuesday, December 24, 2013

St. Nick's Day, Fermanich X-mas party, and Some Random pics

Oh my has it been a busy few weeks. So much was done while we were in Wisconsin at Mike's parents. Those 4 weeks went by a lot faster than I thought they would though. It was filled with lots of family time, but sadly not much outdoor time for the girls. It was soooo cold for too many days. Poor Mike didn't get to accomplish much of the logging he was going to do for his parents, and did freeze the days he was able to go out.

Here are some pictures of the girls from St. Nick's day morning when they went through their stockings.

This chocolate is delicious!

We also had Mike's mom's side of the family Christmas Party one weekend and it was great to see some family we haven't seen in ages. Sidney lost all her sense of shyness and spent most of the party just running around and going up to random family members. Kylie also enjoyed having some cousins there to run around with and with their help, raided the claw machine and got a few new dolls! :)

All the (young) cousins that were there

Bowling with cousin Bri

Watching bowling with Grandpa

Here are just a couple random pictures. :)

Mike and Rick stringing lights

Sidney found an ornament to hang

The finished tree

Reading with Grandma

Kylie's finished gingerbread house

The side of her house.

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