Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Library Hour & Sidney stats

Two firefighters came to library hour today to talk to the kids, show them their gear and show them their truck. Kylie got to play on the truck and each of the girls brought home a new plastic firefighter helmet.
Here are some pictures:
going up to check out firefighter Troy in all his gear

Holding a hose - (and staring at and then
 pointed out an airplane jet stream.)

Checking out a different nozzle

Sidney sporting her sister's sunglasses!
exploring the truck

checking out the seats!

showing off her new helmet

Sidney sporting (and not caring about)
her helmet
Sidney's check-up was mildly pointless this morning. - I miss pediatricians.
Her doctor didn't seem to care she was still coughing after a week and a half...."she'll get over it."
He still isn't really phased with the spots on her back either. (she has molluscum contagiosum) They will go away on their own too (months to two years later), or they can freeze them off; very painful, or more or less pop them like a pimple and squeeze them off, resulting in bleeding like a stuck pig for a while) - - - I hate all those options.
She also wouldn't cooperate at all for the nurse to get measurements.
I was right with the weight though, I said ~19lbs 3 oz. And they got 19lbs 1 oz today. That puts her just under the 50th percentile for weight.
Her head measured at 44cm - which is the 25th percentile. Tiny head!
And the nurse measured her length at 28.5 inches. I then told her, well, I got 29.75 the other day, so she measured again. And got 29. She went with that. If you go with her number, she is at the 50th percentile for her height. If you go with my number, (which I believe is better, since she sat still for me and wiggled like a worm for the nurse) she is actually at the 75th percentile for her height.
Or we can just say she is between the 50th and 75th and call it good. :)
Sidney also threw a fit while they took her temperature...even the simple version where they just swipe the thing over their forehead. I sure hope she will be a little more cooperative in a few months for her next well visit!
Not much else. I survived teaching the other day. We have playgroup tomorrow and then I teach again on Friday.
Mike is off enjoying some hunting during this "fabulous" gov. shutdown.
Hope you are all having a good week!

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