Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Library Hour

Today's library hour was prep for their Community Helpers Series. The librarian read a story about police officers and signs around town. Then the kids made a stop light. Kylie reminded me that we made one a long long time ago. (They did this last fall too!)

I am a little bummed we are going to miss the next two weeks of library. Next week, they are having a police officer come visit and the kids get to talk to him and check out his car. Last year they had a fireman and a mail carrier come visit.

Here are 2 pictures of her working on her stop light.

I need to figure out how to take better pictures with my phone!
Tomorrow is play group and then the girls are going to play with some friends in the afternoon while I get my hair cut! Nothing fancy, of course. We'll see if I suck it up and post some before & after pics of it for you. :) Probably due for a picture of myself....haven't posted one since beginning of July. :)

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