Monday, September 30, 2013

Our ONE year old!


This has felt like the fastest year of my life! I can't believe that Sidney is a whole year old today. It doesn't even feel like it!

She is one busy little lady though! She crawls as fast as a race car and can climb just about anything. She still only takes 3-4 steps at any given time though. I think she can tell she can get around faster just by crawling!

Only word so far is Dada. But I may have heard her call me Mama in the right context today! It kinda melted my heart! I am still signing things, but still waiting for a response. One day it will happen.

She broke another tooth through during out trip, so she has 5 teeth now. I would say only 3-4 of them are fully out though.

She weighed in at 19.2 lbs and was 29.75 inches long by my measurements today. Her well visit is Wednesday and I'll compare stats and get percentiles then.

Her favorite foods are bananas, apples, bbq chicken and spaghetti. Green beans and any snack food given to her are pretty high up on the list of favorites too. She doesn't really seem to really dislike any foods though. That is very nice.

She loves to play in the water, whether it's a pool or the tub, or just a bowl of water. She loves being outside, although we haven't been able to do that much lately. She also loves pushing toys around and moving items back and forth and taking them in and out of containers. It is mildly hilarious how OCD she is sometimes about putting things back and forth.

She isn't one to sit still and snuggle, and would rather eat or throw the book being read to her instead of sitting and listening, but I attempt every now and then. It kind of seems she isn't going to be as into reading as Kylie is.

She usually takes 2 naps a day. Yea! And in the last two days, I've gotten her down to 2 bottles a day. Morning and night. She didn't take to it quietly though. She was still on 4 bottles a day just last week.

She has quite the little personality brewing inside her, and I can't wait till she starts talking more and I can learn what she is thinking. (I'm sure I will regret that later though!)

Here are a couple phone pictures from today. :)

enjoying some banana with her breakfast
She kept her hand up the whole time we sang
Happy Birthday to her. :)
Some cupcake eating shots
She had to take a quick bath after supper since she put her frosting covered hands in her hair while she was eating. :)
She got two little fingers in the big cake after
we blew out the candle. :)

The best I could get.
She was more concerned with her dad and
with Kylie than she was with looking
at me. :)
I'm going to try to do her one year photo shoot tomorrow afternoon and will get those uploaded and ordered and mailed out to people as soon as I can. I am teaching Joy School this week, so we will see how I am feeling after tomorrow morning! Thankfully it is only 2 days a week and I will only teach every 3-4 weeks!
Sidney obviously doesn't follow my directions very well, but I managed to get a few really amazing shots of my littlest lady!

one of my favorites!


So cute!

"mooing" at the cows! :)

Another favorite!


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Trip west

We spent the last 10 days either traveling, hanging out in Oregon or hanging out in Jackson, WY. It was a looong 10 days, but very enjoyable!
The first part was spent around Portland, Or with my brother and his family. It was my niece's 3rd birthday while we were there and my nephew/godson was also baptized while we were there. I finally got to meet little William and it was nice to see them all in general because it had been much to long since we got to visit with them!
We got to the coast while we were there and both girls LOVED the ocean! Thankfully it wasn't as cold/rainy as we thought it was going to be, so we got to spend some decent time outside there! And Sidney also loved the clam chowder!
We then drove kind of diagonally across Oregon and eventually got to Jackson, WY. We met up with Mike's parents and some family friends and hung out with them for a night/half a day. The weather turned south on us while we were there, so they cut their trip a day short. We decided to spend an extra night in Jackson as a result of the weather, instead of heading north to MT.
We got home last night, to what we thought was a good house, until we noticed the ceiling leaking in Kylie's room, and part of the ceiling all bowed down....hmm. Time to move I think....seriously.
I took massive amounts of pictures with the camera, and like 5 with my phone. But here are the pics from my camera.
I swear, one day I will get the computer fixed.

one year old Sidney and her same sized 6th month old
cousin William
Had supper at the Snake River Brewing Co
one night, Mike brought home a gallon of beer
and a glass as his souvenirs of the trip!
Kylie sitting on a giant bear chair outside a store in Jackson

Kylie making a crayon rubbing in the children's discovery center
section of the national museum of wildlife art

some fall color in Grand Teton national park

a random sunset in Jackson
aren't we a snazzy family? :)
(I am totally regretting that dress choice!)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My hair cut!

I did it. At the longest spot I have a 10.5 inch pony tail to mail off.
Locks of Love will only take 10 inches or longer and will sell off anything shorter than 10 in. Pantene beautiful lengths will take a minimum of 8 inches, so I think I will mail it off to them since they will be able to use more of it. The Pantene program creates free wigs for women affected by cancer.

So here are my before shots:

Don't mind my washed out face, it was gloomy this morning.
And my after shot:

Don't mind my squinty tired eyes!
I did not sleep well last night and it totally shows!

A little shorter than I was shooting for, but still cute. I think. There are some long layers (not seeable in this picture) and some framing in the front (also not seeable). But I can get the majority of it still up in a pony tail!

These aren't the greatest pictures. I'm not very good at taking self photos, so I think my hair looks a little better in person, versus this picture. But Oh well!

Hope you are all having a good week!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Library Hour

Today's library hour was prep for their Community Helpers Series. The librarian read a story about police officers and signs around town. Then the kids made a stop light. Kylie reminded me that we made one a long long time ago. (They did this last fall too!)

I am a little bummed we are going to miss the next two weeks of library. Next week, they are having a police officer come visit and the kids get to talk to him and check out his car. Last year they had a fireman and a mail carrier come visit.

Here are 2 pictures of her working on her stop light.

I need to figure out how to take better pictures with my phone!
Tomorrow is play group and then the girls are going to play with some friends in the afternoon while I get my hair cut! Nothing fancy, of course. We'll see if I suck it up and post some before & after pics of it for you. :) Probably due for a picture of myself....haven't posted one since beginning of July. :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


And since there hasn't been any pictures posted since July 13th, I figured I should add a new one of Sidney!

My almost 1 year old!
Who can never sit still!

These pictures won't be the best quality since they are phone pictures though. Sorry!

Kylie's Hair Cut!

Kylie was begging to get her hair cut for a while and I finally caved at let her get her long beautiful hair cut. (I know, I'm mom, I could put my foot down and say no, but I need to remember it's just hair.) Now if only I would cave in and let myself get a hair cut!

I finally got my phone fixed, so I can at least take pictures and get them posted that way. Still working on the computer issue.
But here she is with her new hair!

Not much different....just a good 4-5 inches shorter. :)
Now I need to get my hair cut before we leave for our trip to OR next Wednesday!