Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Here is the summary of her check up today. :)

16lbs 3 oz. Lost a couple of ounces. Probably due to her constant moving around. He was ok with it since she is eating fine. Puts her just under the 25th percentile.
Her nurse only measured her at 27 inches. I don't think so. I am not sure how I could have been off over an inch. I will be measuring her again after her nap. 27 inches puts her at the 25th percentile as well. If we go by my numbers..(28.25in) she is up at 75th percentile.
I told him that Kylie was down on the lower percentiles as well, so he understood why Sidney would probably be down there too.
He was impressed that she is "walking" around the room and was overall just happy with her health.
She has no shots this time around. Will have more around her birthday. In THREE months!

- I measured her again this afternoon. I got 28 inches this time. I am sticking with that. I measured her just like her nurse measured her! I think I am right. :)

On a separate note...I just need to vent this:
I think I am done breastfeeding. Sidney is starting to get frustrated with eating and seems to prefer having a bottle. I tried formula the other day just to see how she would handle it and she seemed to like it. Downed it like that. And it hasn't seemed to bother her system either. I don't think I will pump either because it is just being impossible to get anything.
I don't know why, but I am having a harder time giving up breastfeeding this time around. With Kylie, I was done at 6 months, couldn't handle doing it anymore. But now, I just want to keep going. I guess 9 months is better than nothing though, so I shouldn't feel too bad.

And on a third note -
I can't get the video to upload to anything. But keep in mind that I AM Trying!

Hope you're all having a good week!

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