Sunday, April 14, 2013

Crazy week


It has been a very long week. The weather has been very bipolar as well, making things just depressing around here. I imagine next week will be just as bad since Mike will be up in Cody all week for a class and the temps are only suppose to be in the 30s.

Not a whole lot has happened around here lately.

Last weekend Mike and I subjected ourselves to a little manual labor inorder to bury the satellite cable from the house out to the back of the garage. It surprising only took a couple of hours and we only had minor malfunctions getting the satellite working again

Kylie and I spent some time playing in the snow one day, even though it was really cold and I am sure the wind chill was pretty low. She had fun though.

The girls and I also hit up story time at the library and playgroup.

The house was sprayed around the inside and in the basement for bugs, again; and will get sprayed inside again in 2 weeks (hopefully before family gets here). And hopefully will be sprayed outside the house as soon as we get some decent weather.

Sidney got her 6 month shots on the 11th. She did magnificently. Didn't even cry for the first shot and only cried a little for the second two. She was done before we even left the room.

Sidney is horrible at eating cereal, so I haven't really been giving her much solids. She just doesn't seem to be able to handle it.
I did attempt to give her some green beans that I pureed myself Friday night. She wanted nothing to do with them and was probably thinking "What is wrong with you Mom?".  I don't think I got them pureed up enough. Will have to figure out how to get them a little smoother.
I then made her some cereal. It was cold. She also refused that. I heated it up, and she devoured it. Well, at least what was left after she knocked the bowl out of my hand and spilled half of it.
We really need to get a high chair. I think that would solve most of our problems. (she currently sits in her bumbo when I feed her)
I also think she is going to be more of a self feeder. Not wanting any help. Maybe we will try some egg yolk or something and see how she does feeding herself.

Yesterday Kylie played with the neighbor kids. Their mom, Jen, was avoiding doing some housework and coming up with random games for the kids to play. I also got to throw the ball to their dog, Otis, a few times. He still won't let me pet him much, but we are getting closer. He is straight up terrified of Mike, so I feel pretty good that I get to play with him. :)

Here are a bunch of random pictures from this past week.

Some of our hard work.

Baby Mozart is entertaining to all ages.

Play group

Kylie having snack with her friends.
She prefers to sit with them instead of me when we are at
play group & library. (not sure how I should feel about that)

Swinging high

How Sidney felt about those green beans.
 Kylie feeding her pretend food.
Kylie and Mike playing catch
Sack races
Kylie and Hayden

Juice Break!

Getting all tied together

Kylie, Beau & Hayden

They didn't even make one step
Sidney listening intently at library hour 2 wks ago

Kylie making her "Frisbee" at library 2 wks ago

Giving it a toss

having fun

playing in the snow last week

Checking out the tractor
Hope all is well with everyone. Take Care and can't wait to see most of you in 13 days!

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