Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trailblazing a new sledding hill

This past weekend I started to feel more human, so on Saturday we decided to take Kylie sledding. There is a designated sledding hill up on the mountain, but we didn't want to go out for that long and I guess it is a pretty killer hill.
There is a bunch of BLM badland-type land just south of our house so we headed down there to see if there was any decent hills to slide on. Most of them have too much sage brush and not enough snow. We did manage to find one spot that had enough space between bushes to have a decent sliding spot. There was a shorter one that Kylie enjoyed and a steeper longer one that Mike tried out a couple times. Sidney did not get to go sliding that day, but we totally put her carseat in a sled and drug her around out there.
I went down with Kylie once and managed to find a cactus under the snow while crawling out of the sled. That hurt.
It was nice to go create our own spot. It was quiet and we only saw one car drive by on a nearby road. Enjoyed a nice afternoon all to ourselves and got to come home to hot cocoa & marshmallows!

Here are a few photos from our afternoon.

Mike pulling Kylie up the bigger hill, that she never slid down. :)

Kylie loves making her snow angels

Kylie & I getting ready to go down the little hill

Mike & Kylie getting ready to go down the little hill
Sidney & me. Note Sidney is extremely unimpressed,
with everything. :)
Sidney in her make-shift carseat sled.
She seemed to enjoy being pulled back & forth from the car to the hill. :)

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