Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Not much has been going on this last week.
Both girls have been fighting a nasty cold, so we have been staying low key.
The cows in the back field are calving and we are up to at least 5 calves. There is at least one more to come, because I saw a VERY pregnant cow this morning.
Kylie is still enjoying school and library hour each week. This week one of the stories read at the library was a book called Sleepy Bear Sleepy Bear ...... Similar to Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see?
After the story the kids got to make their own sleep bear puppets.
Here is Kylie and her puppet
Here is Kylie looking at some books at the library
I love how much she loves books!
Sidney hasn't been up to much. We are working on her sitting, and she managed to sit on her own for a good 10 seconds the other day. Haven't caught a pic of it yet, but here are a couple random pics of her from the last couple of days.
I love her face in this picture!

Working hard to get that toy!
She has also re-discovered how to blow raspberries & has been enjoying her time spitting on everything in site. :)
Hope everyone has been enjoying their week!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

First food

I don't know why, but I had a huge urge to give Sidney some cereal the other night.

It was an epic failure. :)

Her doctor has been saying that she can start cereal ever since she was 3 months. I thought that was nuts, but this past Sunday she was 20 weeks old (yet not 5 months...time is so weird). And for some reason I really wanted to try it. She maybe consumed one small spoonful. The rest hit her bib, her clothes, or the table. :)
She preferred to just chew on the spoon. It was very cute, but very messy.
In the end, I think we will wait a few more weeks before we attempt it again. She may be a little more inclined to actually eat some of it then.

She definitely doesn't need any more extra calories. We got her checked yesterday (she has a pretty nasty cold) and she was 15lbs 15oz. Her doc said, like he does every time we see him, that he can't believe she is just on breastmilk.

On other notes, she is getting more onto a regular schedule. She has developed her own routine, wake up, eat, take an hour or so morning nap, awake for awhile, takes another 2ish hour nap in the late afternoon, is awake for awhile and then takes a short evening nap before one last feeding and then goes down from about 9:30ish pm to 7:00ish am. It is fabulous. The day is also filled with feedings every 3ish hours and a whole lot of diapers and play time.

Here are a few pics from our attempt at cereal the other night. :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Making News

Library last week consisted of some singing/dancing to "Five Little Valentines Jumping on the Bed", reading a story and then decorating sugar cookies. Kylie was a huge fan of the sugar cookie eating part!
The newspaper was there again snapping pictures and Kylie got in one of the pictures.
For some reason my camera won't take a picture of the newspaper picture without putting swirly lines through it. Anyone have any thoughts on that? I know my camera is old and I need a new one, but I don't know if there is another setting I could try or something. Or just buy a new camera - We're working on that.
Anyways, here is the best photo I could take of her, and now that I look at it, this one doesn't have the swirlies I was talking about.
 The girl to her left is Carli. Carli and her mother and sister were one of the first families we met when we moved here. They go to the playgroup that we go to.

Hope everyone is enjoying their President's Day!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

Kylie and I had fun prepping for Valentine's day by making some heart & X&O cookies. They have been delicious, but I knew I should have made a whole batch, not just a half batch!

Starting the mixing

Some of her finished project

The girls and I also made a Valentine's day craft together. We made some Love Blossom Trees. Just need paper, paint and your hand. Kylie was able to get some hearts made with her thumbprints, but Sidney's hearts were just lost causes. I think Sidney still had fun playing in the paint though!

Sidney's is on the left, Kylie's is on the right
Here are a few pictures of the girls from the last couple of days.
Sidney enjoying her exersaucer

All decked out for Valentine's Day

My little love bugs
Sidney wasn't really feeling another photo though. :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and that you all have a wonderful weekend!!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trailblazing a new sledding hill

This past weekend I started to feel more human, so on Saturday we decided to take Kylie sledding. There is a designated sledding hill up on the mountain, but we didn't want to go out for that long and I guess it is a pretty killer hill.
There is a bunch of BLM badland-type land just south of our house so we headed down there to see if there was any decent hills to slide on. Most of them have too much sage brush and not enough snow. We did manage to find one spot that had enough space between bushes to have a decent sliding spot. There was a shorter one that Kylie enjoyed and a steeper longer one that Mike tried out a couple times. Sidney did not get to go sliding that day, but we totally put her carseat in a sled and drug her around out there.
I went down with Kylie once and managed to find a cactus under the snow while crawling out of the sled. That hurt.
It was nice to go create our own spot. It was quiet and we only saw one car drive by on a nearby road. Enjoyed a nice afternoon all to ourselves and got to come home to hot cocoa & marshmallows!

Here are a few photos from our afternoon.

Mike pulling Kylie up the bigger hill, that she never slid down. :)

Kylie loves making her snow angels

Kylie & I getting ready to go down the little hill

Mike & Kylie getting ready to go down the little hill
Sidney & me. Note Sidney is extremely unimpressed,
with everything. :)
Sidney in her make-shift carseat sled.
She seemed to enjoy being pulled back & forth from the car to the hill. :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

4 month shots

Sidney had her four month shots last week. Things went much smoother this time around. I didn't cry!
Sidney totally did though. But she was done crying before we even got out to the waiting room and she was smiling before we even left the building.
I do need to vent one thing though - I hate how they do shots here. Vaccines aren't given at the clinic. They give them at the Public Health office. I am ok with that, and there isn't really anything wrong with how they do shots, I just don't like it. When Kylie was a baby & got her shots back at her clinic in Rapid City, the nurse would have her lay on the table and the nurse would "pin" her legs down while I held Kylie's hands and two nurses would give the shots at the same time. So fast and so nice.
Here, I have to hold Sidney in my lap and hold her arms down and hold her leg down & still so that one lady can give the shot and another lady can put on a band-aid. Then I have to turn her around to do the other leg.
I can kinda see how me holding her could be soothing, but I hate having to hold her down for the process....Ok, I'm done venting.

Here is a pic of my smiley Sid just before we left the office. :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rolling around

I recently posted about how Sidney is almost there rolling from her back to her tummy. She is still only 3/4 of the way there. However, she randomly decided the other day that she is going to roll from her tummy to her back! She wasn't entirely sure what happened, but seemed to be cool with it. :)
Now to just catch her on video doing it.
Here is a before and after photo of her roll. :)

Note that she put her feet in Kylie's snack bowl.
Kylie was not impressed. :)
We'll keep working on the back to tummy rolling and keep you posted on any progress! :)

Superbowl Sunday

Back on Sunday I was super excited to make some crockpot stew and some hot wings and other "party" food. But by 1130am I was down for the count. I either spent the majority of the rest of the day either laying in bed or laying on the couch. I am finally feeling human again today and hopefully will be 100% soon. Getting sick of not wanting to eat. I miss cooking and eating!

Kylie wanted absolutely nothing to do with the football game. So, thinking we would be nice, we got out my old tv from college that had a vhs player in it and we were going to let her watch movies the whole time the game was on. Well, turns out the tv doesn't like vhses any more, and shuts off when you put one it, or it starts eating it! So the next plan was to let her watch dvds on the computer. That worked for about 1.5 minutes, before the computer didn't want to play the movie anymore.
Eventually she got to watch disney jr or nick jr episodes on youtube and we only had to leave the game every half hour or so to start something new for her!
(She also found her giant teddy bear in the closet that she won at a costume contest on Halloween in 2011 - and had to lay with it!)

In the morning I had asked Kylie if she wanted to cheer for the Ravens or the 49ers. She chose the Ravens so she got to wear a purple shirt. As default then, Sidney got to cheer for the 49ers. She has no gold apparel and little to no red items, so this was the best I could do:
She really didn't care too much about any of the game though. Not that that surprised me much. :)
Mike did a wonderful job making the stew and those hot wings are going to have to wait until another day. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Almost there

Sidney wants nothing to do with tummy time and as a result is no where near rolling from belly to back.
However, the last two nights she has almost rolled from back to front. She will go 3/4 of the way over and stop since her arm is in the way. She then proceeds to sit like that for a few minutes, occasionally spinning her self a little but them just pushes her self back onto her back. We are guessing that she will get the hang of it soon!
Here is a picture of her from the first night.
Hope everyone is having a great Groundhog's Day! Early Spring!