Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve

*I apologize in advance, as this is kind of a venting post for the first half*

Well, the year is pretty much over. It has been a crazy filled year and we have had our share of bad luck (when it comes to this house) and hopefully 2014 has better things in store for us. And maybe a new place to live!

The two and a half days we have been home have been quite questionable.

The guy finished the new kitchen floor Sunday afternoon after we got home. Then he finished fixing the hole in the ceiling of the girl's room Monday morning. But of course he left a giant mess behind that I got to clean up before the girls could even use their room. A different guy came and fixed the living room carpet Monday morning as well, since they had to pull it up to put dryers and heaters under it to dry it out.

Today was incredibly low key since our hot water heater blew this morning and gushed hot water all over the basement. Turns out it broke at the seam and we need a new one.

Then I stubbed my toes on a weight by the bed and bruised my toe, I wouldn't doubt it if I sprained it.

The plumber did show up this afternoon and totally thought that he wasn't going to get us a new hot water heater until Thursday, but thankfully after a phone call, he told us he'll be out tomorrow morning with a new heater.

We are just hanging out tonight, not doing much. We found a channel with constant music videos and the girls had a blast jamming out in the living room. :)
Kylie knows "Roar" by Katy Perry pretty well and sang along to that song. It was hilarious. Sidney also enjoyed bouncing her head along to the videos.

Sidney didn't make it past 9:30 though. She was pretty tired. We'll see if any of the three of us make it to midnight. I'm sure Kylie won't.

This is the only picture I have from tonight. Too busy trying to clean up stuff and put things away from them being moved and from us unpacking.

Shared some sparkling grape juice with the girls.
Sidney loved it.
Kylie....not so much.
We hope you all have a wonderful New Years and that 2014 treats you all well. Take Care!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

15 months

Oh how the time is flying!

Sidney is just a busy little bee these days. Still won't sit still, unless she is not feeling well. And even then, it isn't for long.

She is very curious. She has finally gotten over her fear of the vacuum. She no longer screams in terror, but will squeal at it and has even just sat by it and will smack it while it is running. :) It is kind of amusing.

She signs; milk, eat, more, drink and hat. She picked up three words on our trip and now says up, apple and bye. (bye kind of sounds like bah, but everyone knows what she means). Listening to her say apple is the cutest thing. I love it. She was already saying dad and dada. And I will still every once in a long while hear her say mommy or momma.

Today she figured out that she can actually pick up Kylie's little step stool and move it around. She put it by the food shelf in the kitchen, climbs up and grabs food to give to me or Mike, waiting for us to open it and let her eat it. Sigh.....another place not safe from her grasp. When we got home from our trip she grabbed a couple things from the wall that use to be out of her reach. Not anymore.

I attempted getting a height on her tonight. It was 31 inches. So not much taller than the one year numbers I found, but getting there. She is also up to 22 pounds. She is still pretty lean like her sister.

She still loves food and eats like a champion. But she runs around like a maniac, so that explains her leanness.

She loves playing with dolls and loves playing with anything that her big sister is playing with. She gets a little upset when she is told that she can't have or use the thing Kylie has.

She has also developed a little attitude. Must get that from Kylie. :) When she really doesn't get her way, she has already figured out to just lay down on the floor, face down and cry and scream. Her little tantrums are so cute. :) (I'm sure I won't think that in a year or two!)

I didn't try hard at getting a picture today since we were dealing with the mess the house was still in from the kitchen flooding and them finally fixing the hole in the girls ceiling. The guys finally finished fixing everything today, but the place is still a mess. Hoping to get everything settled back down in the next day or so.

Here is a cute pic I got of her with my phone today though. Quite the squished up face! :)

15 month cutie

Hope you all have a wonderful New Years and don't party too hard tomorrow night!


We spent Christmas in MN with my parents. It was the first Christmas we had spent with them in quite a few years, and the first one with the girls. We could tell they enjoyed watching the girls opening their gifts. It was a wonderful time.

Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas.

This may be my most favorite photo from the entire trip.
Kylie and my dad at the candle light Christmas Eve church service.

A fabulous black bean spread that my dad made...he
also put it on a tortilla and made a wrap with it.
(hey dad, will you write down the recipe for me?! Please?!)
Our best attempt at a family pic.

The best attempt at a pic of the girls. Sidney is incapable of
sitting still.....ever

Opening presents from family on Christmas Eve

Kylie's expressions this year were priceless.
Her excitement was amazing.



The cookies Kylie decorated for Santa, and one cracker for
each reindeer. (we forgot to buy carrots!)
Grandpa informed her though that he was told reindeer
love to eat crackers too. :)

Sidney realized it would be faster to just dump out
her stocking instead of reaching in and taking things out
one at a time.
Her reaction to seeing her stocking hanging on the stairs was priceless too.
She had a little dollie sticking out of hers, so she noticed they were full first and
was just so excited about. And mildly frustrated that she couldn't get to her stocking to get it down. :)
The girls and their stockings

Kylie realizing that St. Nick gave her this same type of
treat in her stocking a few weeks ago. :)

Opening the gifts Santa brought them.

More chocolate!

Yummy sweet tart candy cane!

We had a wonderful holiday, and a fabulous trip. We are so thankful that we were able to take the time to go home and spend all that time with family. Especially so everyone can see this girls when they are this young. They are growing up so fast.

We miss all of you already!!
Take Care!

Time in MN

After our time in WI we headed to my parents up in MN. We were able to still spend a week with them before we had to get back to WY so Mike could get back to work.

The only plus side of having to cut our trip short was that we got out of MN before the ridiculously cold temperatures hit. It's kinda nice coming home to temps in the 30s. We didn't have that once during the trip except for maybe a day or two during the MN deer season.

My dad took the week off and he and Mike made a whole lot of brats, sausages and salami from all the deer we got back in November. It is delicious and I am looking forward to eating all of it. :)

My sister was also able to come up and bring Josephine, so Kylie was excited to play with her for a couple of days too.

Here are some pictures from that week.

Auntie Katie crimped the girls' hair
One of the first things they did was crawl into Jackson's crate.
Silly kids.

playing with some really old stamp markers that were
in the house when I was a kid.

Practicing our hand stands with Auntie Katie

Such fun. :)
She loves her chocolate! Yummy scotcharoos!

Too much cousinly love leads to bonked heads
and bloody noses.
There was a little too much love going on in this house, as
both girls got their fair share of ouchies in just a matter of one week!

She loved being in the rocking chair.
Sidney also loved this step stool
Sharing breakfast with Grandpa
She has become a fabulous egg cracker.

So sad that it takes 5-10 min. for the Hello Kitty
cupcake/brownie maker to cook the treats. :)

Hello Kitty brownie!

Brownies! Considering we didn't put in the oil the
recipe called for, they didn't taste that bad....

Hanging out with Grandpa


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mattmiller Christmas Weekend

One of our weekends in WI was filled with our family Christmas. It was a whole lot of fun with a whole lot of people!

The girls had a great time playing with their cousins (and getting new toys). :)

It all came to an end MUCH to quickly though.

Here are some of the pictures from that weekend. I narrowed it down as much as I could. There could be soooo much more.
Reiley, Kylie & Caitlyn all sleeping in the same position. :)

Reiley and Sidney playing shoe store. :)

I'm not sure what was going on, but I love the look
on Kylie's face. :)

All ready to open presents

Cousin Bri helping Kylie open her gifts

Opening her big one

Super excited about her Doc McStuffin's Check Up Center

Cousin fun

Sidney's turn to open gifts

Pretty excited

Giving her cousin Jacob a shot. :)

Giving the puppy a check up! :)

So excited about something with cousin Jordan

Bri and Sidney playing on the farm.

Sidney and Uncle Chris

4 of the cousins sleeping in the living room

Watching Mike and Chris out the window 

Kylie was in a really good mood and having some
serious fun. :)